首页> 中文期刊>中国环境科学 >土壤及地下水污染点不同暴露途径的健康风险比较




选择目前国际上应用最为广泛的RBCA模式和Csoil模式,进行土壤污染和地下水污染暴露途径考虑异同的比较,并在此基础上设置典型的污染情景,对不同暴露途径的健康风险进行了计算.Csoil模式比RBCA模式多考虑了3种可能的暴露途径.将2种模式结合进行案例计算的结果表明,表层土壤污染的风险最大;对于浅层土壤污染,考虑淋溶作用时的风险较高.挥发暴露和饮水暴露是土壤及地下水污染点最主要的暴露途径,在RBCA模式中没有考虑的洗澡过程中的暴露也非常重要.对于表层土壤污染,覆土是减小健康风险的有效办法.%RBCA mode developed by ASTM and Csoil mode developed by RIVM are most commonly used worldwide in assessment of soil and groundwater contamination. Difference of two modes in exposure pathways consideration was compared firstly. Three possible exposure pathways were not considered in RBCA. Case-studies were carried out using Csoil mode to compare risks of different exposure pathways. Surface soil contamination had the greatest risk, and leaching was an important process for shallow contaminated soil. Volatilization and water-drinking were two most important exposure pathways. Shower and bathing pathways were possibly important too. For surface soil contamination, pavement was an effective measure to reduce the health risk.



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