首页> 中文期刊> 《中国瓜菜》 >黄皮辣椒新品种‘豫椒101’的选育




‘Yujiao 101’ is a new yellow skin pepper hybrid,whose parents are self-incompatible double haploid lines ‘24-7’ and‘P59-25’ induced by anther culture.Female parent ‘24-7’ is from a green skin horn pepper ‘Haihua pepper (24)’,male parent ‘P59-25’ is from a yellowish-white skin horn pepper ‘Shuofeng12’(‘P59’).It is characterized by good quality,early maturing,wide adaptation,resistance to virus,anthrax,epidemic disease.The fruit surface is smooth and shows yellow at its early mature stage and turns red at its late mature stage.The fruit is mild-hot with good flavor and average length is 20.4 cm.The shoulder diameter is 3.4 cm,and fruit shape index is 6 with flesh thickness 0.31 cm.Average single fruit weight is 62.1 g,average yield is 3 611.89 kg per 667 m2.It is suitable for early spring protected cultivation in Henan province.%‘豫椒101’是河南省农业科学院园艺研究所利用花药培养技术培育成的黄皮辣椒杂种1代,母本‘24-7’来源于绿皮羊角椒‘海花辣椒(24)’,父本‘P59-25’来源于黄白皮辣椒‘硕丰12号(P59)’.‘豫椒101’早熟,商品性好,产量高,高抗病毒病、疫病和炭疽病,该品种果实羊角形,果面光滑,青熟果黄色,老熟果红色,味微辣,风味好,果实纵径20.4 cm,果肩横径3.4 cm,果肉厚度0.31 cm,果实心室数2.7个,果形指数6,平均单果质量62.1 g,一般667 m2产量3 611.89 kg,适宜河南各地早春保护地种植.2016年通过河南省种子管理站组织的专家鉴定验收.



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