首页> 中文期刊>中国继续医学教育 >健康教育路径在玻璃体切除术围手术期中的应用




Objective To observe the effect of health education path on patients in perioperative period of vitrectomy.Methods According to the random principle, 620 patients from May 2014 to October 2015 in the ophthalmology department of our hospital were divide into observation group and control group, each group was consisted of 310 cases, then observed disease cognition and satisfaction in two groups of patients respectively.ResultsThe excellent rat in the observation group was 80.6%, the control group was only 55.2%, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant,P<0.05. Compared with the control group, the satisfaction of the patients in the observation group was 91%,which was much higher than 66.8% of the control group, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant,P<0.05.ConclusionHealth education path can effectively enhance the cognitive ability of patients with the disease, and improve the patient's satisfaction.%目的:观察健康教育路径对玻璃体切除术围手术期患者的影响。方法按照随机原则,将2014年5月~2015年10月入住我院眼科的620例玻璃体切除术患者分为观察组和对照组,各310例,分别观察两组患者对疾病的认知程度及满意度。结果观察组健康知识测评的优秀率为80.6%,对照组为55.2%,差异具有统计学意义,P<0.05。观察组满意度为91.0%,对照组为66.8%,两组患者的满意度比较,差异具有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论健康教育路径可以有效增强玻璃体切除术患者对疾病的认知能力,提高患者的满意度。



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