首页> 中文期刊> 《中国继续医学教育》 >个体化低剂量扫描在64排CT冠状动脉成像中的临床研究




目的:分析个体化低剂量扫描在64排CT冠状动脉成像中的临床情况。方法随机抽取2012年2月~2013年6月诊治的100例使用64-MDCT进行检查患者,分为研究组和对比组,每组50例患者,研究组50例患者使用个体化前瞻性心电门控扫描,对比组50例患者个体化回顾性心电门控扫描,分析两组的扫描情况。结果研究组的检查情况优于对比组,两者间的差异具备统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论最好的个体化低剂量扫描方法是:使用个体化前瞻性心电门控扫描,然后把心率控制为小于65次/min,这样不仅可以提高图像质量,可以有效减少对患者的辐射伤害,确保患者安全。%Objective To analyze individual low-dose scan in 64 row CT coronary artery imaging in clinical situations. MethodsFrom February 2012 to June 2013, diagnosis and treatment of 100 cases patients using 64 - MDCT for inspection were divided into research group and control group randomly, 50 cases in each group, 50 patients in the research group received with individualized prospective heart switch point scanning, 50 patients in contrast group received individualized retrospective heart switch point scanning, scanning analysis of the two groups.Results The inspection status of the research team was better than control group, the difference had statistical signiifcance (P<0.05).Conclusion The best individualized low-dose scan method is: using individualized prospective heart switch point scanning, and then controlling the heart rate less than 65 times/min, such not only can improve the quality of the image, can effectively reduce the radiation harm to patients, ensure patient safety.



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