首页> 中文期刊>商业经济 >在教学中渗透数学史培养高职学生的意志品质




Volition is a psychological process when a person determines a goal consciously and adjust and control his or her behavior to overcome difficulties and reach the projected goal. Good volitional quality predicts good individual psychological quality and a purposeful inner power system. The volition quality of humans consists of the purposefulness, decisiveness, self-restraint, and toughness of volition. Permeating history of mathematics in higher vocational teaching makes students understand the bold innovations and indomitable exploar-ions of mathematicians, learn their perseverance and tough will, and equip students with tenacious learning will and strong learning ability to better hold a position in the society, realize individual value, and contribute to the society as well.%  意志是人自觉确定目的、并根据目的调节支配自身的行为,是克服困难、去实现预定目标的心理过程。良好的意志品质可以保证我们具有良好的个性心理要素及顽强的内在动力系统。人的意志品质包括意志的目的性、果断性、自制性、坚韧性。在高职教学中适当渗透数学史,使学生了解数学家大胆创新、百折不挠的求索过程,学习数学家锲而不舍、坚韧不拨的意志品质,从而使学生具备顽强的学习意志和培养较强的学习能力,将来更好地立足于社会,在体现个人价值的同时为社会做出贡献。



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