首页> 中文期刊>自动化与仪表 >往复式压缩机气量无级调节技术研究




为了降低往复式压缩机在生产过程中的能耗,根据“回流省功”的原理提出了对设备进行气量调节的控制方法.控制器实时采集并处理压缩机运行时的数据.通过执行机构控制进气阀延迟关闭的时间,实现压缩机全行程的气量无级调节.以理想气体多变过程为依据建立了压缩机数学模型,然后利用Simulink工具箱对模型进行仿真绘制出压缩机运行一个周期的示功图(P-V图),从理论上分析了控制方法的有效性.试验结果证明,在满足生产工艺的前提下该无级气量调节技术能有效降低能耗,可广泛用于石油化工等领域.%To reduce the energy consumption of the reciprocating compressor in the production process,according to the principle of "save power by refluxing",the control method of flow rate regulation for device is put forward.Controller collects and solves compressor's runtime data in time to realize stepless full range capacity control consulted late closing time for actuating element control inlet valve.Establish compressor mathematic model according to the ideal of gas polytropic processes,then make use of Simulink toolbox for model take simulation to draw run a cycle of indicator diagram(P-V)of compressor,and analyze effectiveness of proposed control method in theory.Test results prove the stepless volume adjustment technology can effectively reduce the energy consumption on the premise of meet the production process that can be widely used in petrochemical and other fields.



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