首页> 中文期刊>原子能科学技术 >49-2游泳池式反应堆超设计基准事故的筛选与分析




The beyond design basis accident was analyzed to ensure safe operation of 49‐2 Swimming Pool Reactor (SPR) after design life .Because it’s difficult to use PSA method ,the unconditional assumed severe accidents were adopted to obtain a conserva‐tive result . The main conclusions were obtained by analyzing anticipated transients without scram in station blackout (SBO ATWS) ,horizontal channel rupture ,core un‐covering after shutdown and emergency response capacity .The results show that the core is safe in SBO ATWS ,and the fuel elements will not melt as long as the core are not exposed in 2.5 h in loss of coolant accident caused by horizontal channel rupture and other factors .The passive siphon breaker function and various ways of emergency core makeup can ensure that the core is not exposed .%为保证49‐2游泳池式反应堆在超寿期下的安全运行,需进行超设计基准事故分析。由于难以采用概率安全评价(PSA )方法进行分析,所以本文无条件假设最严重事故来得到一保守结果。主要分析了全厂断电下未能紧急停堆的预期瞬变(ATWS)、水平孔道断裂和停堆后堆芯完全裸露的事故,以及应急能力。结果表明:在全厂断电A T WS下堆芯是安全的;水平孔道断裂及其他因素造成失水时,只要2.5 h内堆芯不裸露即可保证燃料元件不熔化;非能动破坏虹吸能力和多样的应急补水方式能保证堆芯不裸露。



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