首页> 中文期刊>原子能科学技术 >放射性固体废物压缩减容技术研究




The experimental research of compaction dealing with the radioactive solid waste and the influence factors of the different materials during the compression process were discussed .The results show that the material treatment range of high pressure compression is wide and the requirements of classification are not strict .According to the different characteristics and loading densities ,the volume reduction ratio is 2.3‐11 and the average density of materials is 1 200‐3 900 kg/m3 w hen the pressure is 600 kN . The average densities of the soft materials ,hard materials with holes and elastic materi‐als are greater than their matter densities .After compaction ,the average densities of materials with different loading densities are basically same .The volume reduction ratio is related to the materials’ own properties and loading density .The elastic materials rebound significantly and break pellets after compaction ,and other materials rebound rates are less than 20% .%本工作对以压缩作为处理放射性固体废物的方法进行了实验研究,分析了压缩过程中影响各类物料压缩减容倍数的因素。实验结果表明,高压压缩处理物料的范围广,对物料的分类要求不严格;在压力为600 kN压缩下,依据物料的性质和装填密度不同,各种物料的减容倍数在2.3~11之间,压缩后各类物料压缩的平均物料密度在1200~3900 kg/m3之间;对于某些软物料、有孔硬物料和弹性物料,压缩后物料的平均密度大于物料的物理密度;不同装填密度的废物,高压压缩后物料的平均密度基本相同,物料的压缩减容倍数与物料本身的性质、装填密度等有关。弹性物料压缩后反弹明显,甚至破坏压饼,其他物料反弹在20%以内。



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