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Effect of nitrofurazone on the reproductive organs in adult male mice


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To study the effect of 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde semicarbazone (nitrofurazone), a derivative of nitrofuran, on male reproductive organs of Parkes (P) strain mice. Methods: Mice were given nitrofurazone orally at a dose of 64mg/kg body weight per day, for 10 and 20 days, and were killed 24 h and/or 56 days after the last treatment. Histological appearance of testis, motility and number of spermatozoa in cauda epididymidis, and biochemical indices in epididymis and seminal vesicle were evaluated. Results: Histologically, testis showed marked regressive changes in the seminiferous tubules in mice treated with nitrofurazone. Ten days after treatment, there was much depletion of germ cells in the seminiferous tubules, and the germinal epithelium was lined mainly with Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and a few round spermatids; intraepithelial vacuoles and multinucleated giant cells were also observed in tubules. By 20 days, regressive changes in the seminiferous tubules were further pronounced, and pachytene spermatocytes were the most advanced germ cells noticed in the tubules. In severe cases, the tubules were lined with a thin layer of Sertoli cells and spennatogonia. The treatment also caused marked reductions in the motility and number of spermatozoa in the cauda epididymidis, in weight and the level of fructose in the seminal vesicle, and in sialic acid level in the epididymis. Fifty six days after drug withdrawal, the alterations induced in the reproductive organs returned to control levels. Conclusion: Our results suggest that nitrofurazone treatment in P mice induces marked alterations in the male reproductive organs, and that the alterations are reversible following cessation of treatment.
机译:研究5-硝基-2-呋喃甲醛半卡巴carb(nitrofurazone),硝基呋喃的衍生物,对Parkes(P)品系小鼠的雄性生殖器官的影响。方法:每天给小鼠口服呋喃西林,剂量为64mg / kg体重,持续10天和20天,并在最后一次治疗后24小时和/或56天处死。评价睾丸马尾附睾的睾丸组织学外观,活力和精子数量,以及附睾和精囊中的生化指标。结果:在组织学上,睾丸显示硝呋喃酮治疗的小鼠的生精小管有明显的退行性变化。治疗十天后,生精小管中的生殖细胞大量枯竭,生发上皮主要衬有支持细胞,精原细胞,精细胞和少量圆形精子。在肾小管中也观察到上皮内液泡和多核巨细胞。到20天时,生精小管中的退行性变化更加明显,并且粗管中的生精细胞是最粗的生殖细胞。在严重的情况下,肾小管衬有一层薄薄的Sertoli细胞和鞘氨醇。该治疗还导致附睾马尾精子的活力和精子数量,精囊中果糖的重量和水平以及附睾中唾液酸水平的显着降低。停药后56天,在生殖器官中引起的改变恢复到对照水平。结论:我们的结果表明,对P小鼠进行呋喃西林治疗可引起雄性生殖器官的明显改变,并且这种改变在停止治疗后是可逆的。




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