首页> 中文期刊>建筑与文化 >“身体与空间感知:无形的博弈”--现象学视角下对现代建筑的批判




在当今以高效为追求的时代,空间的简洁与视觉夸张成为这个时代的标志和需求。但人们却在逐步丧失着对空间细腻且敏感的感知能力,对建筑评价变得麻木无力。然而真正有意义的建筑空间本身却是有知觉的、有记忆的、有情结的,更应有精神的空间。本文以身体和空间关系为切入点,详细讨论了四位哲学家对身体和感知的理解,从而延伸出对现代建筑的批判。%In the modern society aimed for high eficiency, the concise of space and visual hyperbole become the sign and demand of the present era. While people are gradualy lost delicate and sensitive perception to the space and become numbness on building evaluation. However, the real meaningfuly architectural space itself possesses percipience, memory, the plot and the spirit to the people. The article based on the relationship between body and space as the breakthrough point discusses in detail the understanding to the body and perception which extend the critique to the modern architecture.



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