首页> 外文期刊>农业科学与技术(英文版) >辽宁省大豆品种区域试验中应注意的技术问题和审定标准


机译:Technical Problems and Approval Standards for the Regional Trials of Soybean Varieties in Liaoning Province辽宁省大豆品种区域试验中应注意的技术问题和审定标准

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该文阐述了大豆品种区域试验中应注意的技术问题和审定标准,大豆区域试验技术要点分别为试验地的选择、播种前的室内准备、区试田播前准备、适期播种,严把播种环节、试验田间管理及调查记载、收获和取样及室内考种和总结。并介绍了辽宁大豆区域试验普通型品种和优质性品种的审定标注。为大豆品种的审定提供准确、科学的理论依据。%The technical problems and approval standards for the regional test of soybean varieties in Liaoning Province were discussed. The technical key points for the soybean regional trials were the selection of trial fields, preparations in lab be-fore sowing, preparations in regional trial field before sowing, sowing in suitable time and strict with sowing process, field management and survey record, harvest and sampling as wel as lab test and summary. In addition, the approval standards for common varieties and quality varieties for the soybean regional trials in Liaoning were introduced, with the aim to provide accurate and scientific theoretical basis for the approval of soybean varieties.
机译:该文阐述了大豆品种区域试验中应注意的技术问题和审定标准,大豆区域试验技术要点分别为试验地的选择、播种前的室内准备、区试田播前准备、适期播种,严把播种环节、试验田间管理及调查记载、收获和取样及室内考种和总结。并介绍了辽宁大豆区域试验普通型品种和优质性品种的审定标注。为大豆品种的审定提供准确、科学的理论依据。%The technical problems and approval standards for the regional test of soybean varieties in Liaoning Province were discussed. The technical key points for the soybean regional trials were the selection of trial fields, preparations in lab be-fore sowing, preparations in regional trial field before sowing, sowing in suitable time and strict with sowing process, field management and survey record, harvest and sampling as wel as lab test and summary. In addition, the approval standards for common varieties and quality varieties for the soybean regional trials in Liaoning were introduced, with the aim to provide accurate and scientific theoretical basis for the approval of soybean varieties.



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