首页> 外文期刊>农业科学与技术(英文版) >'互联网+'思维下广西茉莉花茶产业发展策略研究


机译:Approach to the Development of Jasmine Tea Industry in Guangxi from the Perspective of"Internet+""互联网+"思维下广西茉莉花茶产业发展策略研究

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After 30 years of opening-up and reform, the jasmine tea industry in Guangxi has developed into a national pillar industry with special resources in China.This industry has been influenced by "Internet+" at various aspects. Restricted by the location, information system, brand marketing, the industry should be integrated with the "Internet +" thinking for overall upgrading.%广西茉莉花茶产业经过改革开放30多年的发展,已经成为广西在全国具有独特资源的产业.当今"互联网+"背景下该产业受到多维度影响.因地域、信息化及品牌营销等方面限制,该产业需引入"互联网+"思维以实现产业全面升级优化.
机译:After 30 years of opening-up and reform, the jasmine tea industry in Guangxi has developed into a national pillar industry with special resources in China.This industry has been influenced by "Internet+" at various aspects. Restricted by the location, information system, brand marketing, the industry should be integrated with the "Internet +" thinking for overall upgrading.%广西茉莉花茶产业经过改革开放30多年的发展,已经成为广西在全国具有独特资源的产业.当今"互联网+"背景下该产业受到多维度影响.因地域、信息化及品牌营销等方面限制,该产业需引入"互联网+"思维以实现产业全面升级优化.



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