首页> 中文期刊>干旱地区农业研究 >结实期水分供应对寒地水稻生育和产量的影响




以垦鉴稻5号和垦稻12号为材料,采用负压式土壤湿度计监测土壤水势,通过防雨棚内的盆栽控水试验,研究水稻结实期水分供应对寒地水稻生育和产量的影响.主要结果如下:结实期进行-8~ - 10 kPa的间歇控水处理,两品种穗长和单穗重增加,干物重和叶面积降低;两品种穗数减少,结实率增加,千粒重降低,经济产量降低.结实期进行-18~ -20 kPa和-28~-30kPa的持续控水处理,两品种的穗长增加,单穗重降低,干物重和叶面积降低;两品种的穗数减少,结实率、千粒重和经济产量降低.结实期进行-8 ~ - 10 kPa的间歇控水处理可作为寒地水稻节本增效灌溉的土壤水势指标,结实期不宜持续进行土壤水势为-18~ -20kPa以下的控水处理.%For studying the effects of water supply during grain filling stage on growth and yield of rice in cold region,Varieties Kenjiandao 5 and Kendao 12 were planted through potted planting in rainproof chamber. The soil water potential (SWP) was examined through negative pressure soil moisture meter. The main results are as follows: In intermittent irrigation at - 8 ~ - 10 kPa of SWP during grain filling stage,panicle length and panicle weight of the two varieties increased,dry matter weight and leaf area of the two varieties decreased; panicle number of two varieties decreased,kernel setting rate,1000-grain weigh and economic yield of two varieties decreased. In unremitting irrigation at - 18 ~ - 20 kPa and - 28 ~ - 30 kPa of SWP during grain filling stage,panicle length of two varieties increased,panicle weight,dry matter weight and leaf area of two varieties decreased; panicles,kernel setting rate,1000-grain weigh and e-conomic yield of two varieties decreased. Intermittent irrigation at - 8 ~ - 10 kPa of SWP during grain filling stage could be used as irrigating index for reducing rice production cost and improving economic benefit in cold region. Unremitting irrigation below - 18 ~ - 20 kPa of SWP during grain filling stage was not suitable.



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