首页> 中文期刊>干旱地区农业研究 >甘肃省小杂粮产业竞争优势度及影响因素分析




The competition dominance of minor grain crop industry in Gansu Province was comparatively analyzed through investigation of consumers and farmers. The resource endowment index,cost and benefit,comprehensive compar-ative advantage index and econometric model were used to explore the main reason of market competitiveness of minor grain crop industry in Gansu Province. The results showed that the resource endowment index of millet,broom corn millet ,buckwheat and fava bean in Gansu was 1.53,6.64,8.72 and 3.9,respectively. The comparative advantage index was 1.23 ,2.57,2 .95 and 1.97 for millet,broom corn millet,buckwheat,and fava bean,respectively. Minor grain crop industry in Gansu Province had competitive potential in resources abundance,cost and benefit,planting scale and output level. The main reasons affecting the market competitiveness of minor grain crops in Gansu Province were consumer's income level,cognition degree,age and level of education. Land scale and proportion of minor grain crop income in total household income significantly affected farmer's will for expanding minor grain crop planting scale.%以资源禀赋系数、成本收益、综合比较优势指数3个指标为基础,比较分析了甘肃小杂粮产业竞争优势度;通过对消费者和农户的深入调查,并建立计量经济模型对影响甘肃小杂粮产业竞争优势的主要因素进行了实证分析.结果表明,甘肃谷子、糜子、荞麦、蚕豆的资源禀赋系数分别为1.53、6.64、8.72、3.9,比较优势指数分别为1.23、2.57、2.95、1.97,小杂粮从资源的丰富程度、成本收益、种植规模、产出水平等方面具有竞争潜力;消费者收入水平、认知程度、年龄、受教育程度对甘肃小杂粮的市场竞争力有显著影响;家庭耕地面积、小杂粮收入占家庭收入比例对农户扩大生产规模的意愿有显著影响.



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