首页> 中文期刊>电子学报 >计量逻辑中真度的均值表示形式及应用




命题真度是计量逻辑学中的基础概念.本文对真度的性质和计算方法进行了再研究.首先给出了计量逻辑中真度定义的均值表示形式;其次利用真度定义的均值表示形式推广了连接有限值逻辑系统和连续值逻辑系统中真度理论的极限定理,并得到了真度的对称性定理;最后在n-值命题逻辑系统和连续值命题逻辑系统中给出了析取规范型命题和合取规范型命题的真度的计算公式.%The truth degree of formula is the bask concept in quantitative logic from which other concepts are derived. In the. Present paper the properties and the computation method of truth degree are investigated more in-depth. Firstly, a form of mean representation of definition of truth degree of formula is given in quantitative logic; secondly, with the help of the form of mean representation, the limit theorem is generalized that is a connection of die theories of truth degrees in n- valued logic system and continuity-valued logic system, and the symmetrical characteristic of truth degree is obtained; thirdly, the computational formulas of truth degrees of the propositions with normal forms is given.



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