首页> 中文期刊>天文学报 >古本今本《竹书纪年》的天象记载和纪年




The Bamboo Annals is the history book unearthed by West Jin Dynasty in the tomb of Wei King of the third century BC, It recorded a lot of chronology and historical facts of the Xia Shang Zhou period, but the Bamboo Annals gradually lost during 12 or 13 century. Today there are two sorts of the Bamboo Annals we can read, one is the Ancient Text of the Bamboo Annals compiled by the modern scholars, the other is an entire book called the Modern Text of the Bamboo Annals. The latter was probably found by Yuan or Ming Dynasty. The Modern Text of the Bamboo Annals is different from the Ancient Text on the writing and contents, more of celestial phenomena are recorded to the Modern Text of the Bamboo Annals than to the Ancient Text. It is discussed in this paper that the celestial phenomena and chronology are recorded in the Bamboo Annals, the results show that these celestial phenomena of the Modern Text of the Bamboo Annals are not original records unearthed by West Jin Dynasty in the tomb of Wei King of the third century BC, but were supplemented by the scholars of Song and Yuan Dynasties.%对《竹书纪年》记载的天象和纪年进行了初步的分析研究,结果表明,今本《竹书纪年》中新增的天象如日食等,并非汲冢出土佚书的原有内容,而为宋元以后学者所加.



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