首页> 中文期刊>学园·学者的精神家园 >教育经济学领域学者学术职业生涯发展的性别差异研究——基于《教育与经济》载文统计分析




通过对《教育与经济》在2001~2010年间发文作者的年龄结构、职称结构、发文量和被引量进行统计,分析不同性别学者的学术职业生涯发展差异情况。研究结果显示,男性学者和女性学者的学术职业生涯道路不同,在其发展周期、学术阶梯层次和学术影响力方面,女性学者皆处于劣势地位。女性学者比男性学者的学术职业生涯周期短;在学术研究的高峰时期,女性学者的学术发展落后于男性;女性学者在学术职业生涯的晋升中存在“高原现象”;男性学者仍然是高学术影响力学者的主力军。%This article statistics about age structure, professional title structure, the number of published articles and the frequency of their being cited of the authors of Edu- cation and Economy during 2001 - 2002, analyses the gender difference during academic career development. The study shows that male scholars and female scholars' academic career read is different, female scholars have disadvantages in development cycle, pro- fessional title and academy impact. Female scholars' academic career cycle is shorter than male's. In the academic research peak period, female scholars' academic career development is slower than male's. In female scholars' academic career promotion, it exists the phenomenon of the plateau. Male scholars are still the main force of high aca- demic influence scholars.



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