首页> 中文期刊>晋阳学刊 >绝对知识与纯粹哲学--论黑格尔《精神现象学》与《哲学科学百科全书》的关系




How to treat the systematic relationship between the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Encyclopedia of Philosophical Science , there is not only one of the issues of focus which Hegelianists debate, but also Hegel himself treated it to different attribute at different period. This issue links with whether philosophical system needs a beginning or not. Hegel pondered on this issue at the beginning in the Jena time. After switching logic and metaphysics, Hegel decided the Phenomenology of Spirit as the introduction and the first part of philosophical system. But because the original subtitle "empirical science of consciousness"changed to the "science of spiritual phenomena"in the final publication, Hegel shows parts of negative attitudes to this "Beginning" or "Introduction" . Thus, through these developments and changes in Hegel, it is an important topic to the relationship between the Systematic Phenomenology of Spirit and the Encyclopedia of Philosophical Science.%如何看待《精神现象学》和《哲学科学百科全书》体系的关系,不仅是黑格尔研究者们一直争论的热点问题之一,而且在黑格尔本人的思想发展中,对于两者关系的态度也不是一成不变的。同时这个问题一直以来与哲学体系是否需要一个“入门”或“导言”联系在一起,黑格尔从耶拿时期就开始思考并寻求这个答案,在经过逻辑学和形而上学的分合之后,他确定了《精神现象学》作为是哲学体系的导言和第一部分,但在最终出版时把原初的副标题“意识的经验科学”改为“精神现象学的科学”又表明了黑格尔对于这个“入门”或“导言”采取了部分否定的态度。本文通过上述黑格尔思想的发展和转变,来探讨《精神现象学》与《哲学科学百科全书》体系的关系。



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