首页> 中文期刊>学术探索 >叙事时间策略和叙事时间维度--张爱玲的时间叙事




张爱玲对叙事时间以及叙事时间与人的关系有着深刻的理解和独到的掌控能力,张爱玲叙事时能充分地利用叙事时间中的故事时间和话语时间之间的差异和对比,来达到表达自己对时间和人生的叙事主题。同时叙事时间呈现出几组张力:现实时间和心理时间之间的张力;个体时间和集体时间之间的张力;过去、现在和未来时间之间的张力。这几组张力使得张爱玲的作品展现了无穷的魅力。张爱玲的小说能够在叙事时间和叙事空间转化和穿梭。而叙事时间的四个维度———世界时间、作品时间、作者时间和读者时间对张爱玲作品也产生了深刻的影响。%Eileen Chang had a deep understanding and unique ability to control the narrative time and the relationship between narrative time and human beings.She could make full use of the difference and contrast between the story time and narrative time to achieve her expression in narrative themes of time and life.The narrative time shows several groups of tension:the tensions be-tween real time and psychological time,between individual time and collective time,and between past,present and future, which makes her works full of charm.And there is free space -time transformation in her narratives.In addition,Eileen Chang′s narrative time has four dimensions:world time,works time,author time and reader time,which had exerted a profound impact on her works.



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