首页> 中文期刊>学术探索 >当代分析形而上学如何重构日常语言哲学问题——以维特根斯坦心灵哲学的当代阐释为例




众所周知,维特根斯坦一生中开启了两大哲学传统,一是以《逻辑哲学论》为代表的前期哲学,带有非常明显的形而上学特征,二是以《哲学研究》为代表的后期哲学,其形而上学色彩并不明显,而是开启了一种日常语言分析的新进路.在当代英美分析哲学中,随着日常语言分析研究范式的衰落,以及分析形而上学之兴起,对后期维特根斯坦的研究渐渐走向低谷.如何通过分析形而上学方式,重新挖掘维特根斯坦的思想资源,无论对于发展维特根斯坦的哲学思想,还是对于复兴当代分析形而上学都有着重要意义.当代哲学家大卫·阿姆斯特朗不仅继承和发展了维特根斯坦《逻辑哲学论》中事态形而上学思想,而且在心灵哲学方面对后期维特根斯坦进行了重新阐释.这种用分析形而上学重构日常语言分析范式的努力,对于从第一哲学维度为维特根斯坦研究开辟新的路向有较大帮助和启示.%As we all know,Wittgenstein started two great philosophical traditions in his life.One is the early philosophy repre-sented by Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus,with very obvious metaphysical characteristics.The other is the later philosophy re-presented by Philosophical Investigations,in which its metaphysical characteristics are not obvious.But it opens up a new ap-proach to ordinary language analysis.In contemporary analytic philosophy,with the decline of the paradigm of ordinary language analysis and the rise of analytic metaphysics,the study of later period of Wittgenstein gradually went to the bottom.How to re-examine Wittgenstein's thought resources by analytic metaphysics is of great significance both for the development of Wittgenstein's philosophical thoughts and for the renaissance of contemporary analytic metaphysics.The contemporary philosopher David Armstrong not only inherited and developed Wittgenstein's metaphysical thoughts of state of affairs in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus,but also reinterpreted the philosophy of mind of later period of Wittgenstein.This effort to reconstruct the para-digm of ordinary language analysis by analytic metaphysics is of great help and inspiration for opening up new directions for Wittgenstein's research from the perspective of the first philosophy.



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