首页> 中文期刊>学术交流 >霍布斯哲学体系中的人性观探析




霍布斯从自然哲学基本观点和研究方法着手把"人"划分为自然、道德和政治三重生存状态,逻辑地剖析了从"狼性"、"人性"到"龙性"的人性嬗变历程,把人性理解为"狼性"、"人性"和"龙性"的聚合体.在他看来,现实中的每个人既是自然物体,又是国家的建构者,寓居于"自然"与"政治"所勾勒的社会框架内,把自然法与民约法作为行动准则,以有"道德"的角色做人、做事.以此人性观为根据,霍布斯站在为君主制辩护的立场上提出了新的自由观、自然法理论及国家学说.他的人性观深刻影响着西方政治哲学思想.%Starting from basic views of natural philosophy and research methods, Hobbes examined "man" with three existence states, nature, morals and politics, analyzing the changes of man logically from wolf, human to dragon natures and regarding human nature as the combination of wolf, man and dragon.In his opinion, everyone as the object of nature also construct for his nation, dwelling in the social framework outlined in the "nature" and "politics", behaves themselves under natural and civil laws, being moral in life and work.Grounding on such points of view, Hobbes put forward a new concept of freedom, a theory of nature law and that of state for defending the monarchy.His ideas on human nature conducted a deep influence upon political and philosophical thoughts of the west.



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