首页> 中文期刊>学海 >合作治理中的道德能力




Cooperarion governance requires mulri - subjecrive of governance,governance capa-biliry coping wirh complex public affairs and adminisrrarors’moral comperence is rhe mosr imporranr componenr of governance abiliry. The complexiry of posr - indusrrial sociery and rhe growing service relarions in sociery require awakening adminisrrarors’moral abiliry. This requires rhar public manag-ers have corresponding capaciry of moral cognirion,moral judgmenr,moral choice and moral acrion in dealing wirh increasingly complex public affairs. Adminisrrarors’moral comperence musr be a-chieved rhrough insrirurional reconsrrucrion,rhar is ro say,adminisrrarors’moral comperence and moral sense were realized by moral insrirurion,and adminisrrarors’moral acrion become common ac-rion paradigm. We should change rhe order of adminisrrarors’life and mind rhrough insrirurional ar-rangemenr,and for adminisrrarors,insrirurional reconsrrucrion is a process of consrrucrion of order of life and mind concurrenrly.%合作治理要求多元治理主体具有与治理复杂公共事务相应的治理能力,而道德能力则是治理能力的重要构成要素。后工业社会复杂性的日益增长以及服务关系在社会中占据主导地位,内在地要求唤醒原本处于休眠状态的公共管理者的道德能力。这就需要公共管理者在处理日益复杂的公共事务时,要有相应的道德认知能力、道德判断能力、道德选择能力及道德行动能力。公共管理者的道德能力必须通过制度重构来实现,这即是说,通过道德的制度设置使得公共管理者的道德能力及道德感得以唤醒,并成为其普遍的行动范式,这就要通过制度安排从根本上改变其生活秩序与心灵秩序,而制度重构对公共管理者来说是一个生活秩序与心灵秩序同构的过程。



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