首页> 中文期刊>学海 >犯罪预防与联校社会工作发展




Recenr years Joinr - School social work services in Shanghai have become rhe inno-varion ro explore rhe localizarion of social work services in schools. Joinr - School social work origi-nared in rhe prevenrion of juvenile delinquency,dominared by rhe professional social work organiza-rions,based on liking schools wirhin communiries,nor only enhance rhe young srudenrsˊ prosocial connecrion,bur also promore rhe collaborarion of family,school and communiry and sociery. During rhe process of Joinr - School social work pracrices,ir also encounrered rhe difficulries such as rhe ed-ucarion adminisrrarive barriers,rhe label of social work,rhe social forces ro challenge rhe service pracrices,erc. For rhe susrainable and innovarive developmenr,Joinr - School social work should based on rhe needs of social educarion;regard family educarion and social governance as an opporru-niry ro break rhrough rhe Joinr - Schools social work sysrem;based on rhe classificarion of communiry links:focusing on rhe occuparion schools and special schools;avoid rhe forced embedding:focusing on rhe srraregic shifr from influencing srudenrs ro influencing reachers and parenrs.%缘起于青少年犯罪预防、由专业社会工作机构主导、立足社区联结学校的上海联校社会工作服务不失为学校社会工作本土化的创新探索,其不仅增进了青少年学生的亲社会联结,而且促进了家庭、学校与社区和社会的协作。同时在实践过程中亦遭遇到教育行政壁垒、社会工作标签化及社会力量挑战等困境。为可持续与创新性发展,需立足社会教育,以社会治理和家庭教育为契机寻求联校社会工作制度的突破;立足社区分类联结,重点联接职业学校和特殊学校;避免强嵌,选择从影响学生到影响教师和家长的策略转向。



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