首页> 外文学位 >Parental influence on disordered eating habits of female adolescents who participate in aesthetic sports versus nonaesthetic sports.

Parental influence on disordered eating habits of female adolescents who participate in aesthetic sports versus nonaesthetic sports.


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This study examined the relationship between the disordered eating patterns in female adolescents who are associated with the family environment and sport affiliation. More specifically, this study explored the relationship between the athlete's participation in aesthetic sports (ballet, gymnastics, cheerleading, etc.) versus nonaesthetic sports (soccer, basketball, softball, etc.) and how that choice plays a role in disordered eating patterns when parental control is also examined.; The primary analysis of the specific research hypotheses included independent sample t tests, correlation, and regression analyses. The participants in this study included 28 female adolescent athletes in the following sports: gymnastics, cheerleading, Irish dance, track and field, water polo, basketball, swimming, and soccer. Athletes were mailed (n = 22) or were directly handed (n = 6) questionnaire packets that included the following: a demographic questionnaire, the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3), and the Family Assessment Measure-III (FAM-III). The most involved parent/guardian of these athletes was also included in this study (n = 28).; Findings included a positive correlation between parent- and adolescent-rated control and rate of disordered eating patterns regardless of participation in either an aesthetic or nonaesthetic sport. Findings also included a positive correlation between perceived parental control and perceived adolescent control.
机译:这项研究检查了与家庭环境和运动背景有关的女性青少年饮食失调的关系。更具体地说,本研究探讨了运动员参加美学运动(芭蕾舞,体操,啦啦队等)与非审美运动(足球,篮球,垒球等)之间的关系,以及当选择行为在饮食习惯紊乱时如何发挥作用还检查了父母控制。特定研究假设的主要分析包括独立样本t检验,相关性和回归分析。这项研究的参与者包括28位女青少年运动员,他们从事以下运动:体操,啦啦队,爱尔兰舞蹈,田径,水球,篮球,游泳和足球。运动员被邮寄(n = 22)或直接交纳(n = 6)调查问卷数据包,包括以下内容:人口统计学调查问卷,饮食失调清单3(EDI-3)和家庭评估标准III(FAM- III)。该研究中还包括了这些运动员中参与程度最高的父母/监护人(n = 28)。研究结果表明,无论是参加审美运动还是非审美运动,父母和青少年的控制水平与饮食失调率之间均呈正相关。研究结果还包括父母控制与青少年控制之间的正相关。



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