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Potato tuber yield, quality, mineral nutrient concentration, soil health and soil food web in conventional and organic potato systems.


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Field grown tubers from two conventional and two organic potato farms were compared to determine genotypic and environmental effects on tuber yield, quality, and tuber mineral content. Rhizosphere and bulk soil from the same conventional and organic farms were compared to determine genotypic and environmental effects on soil bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and soil health.;Analyses of variance revealed a significant effect of the interaction between genotype and location on total tuber yield as well as the <4oz, ≥4oz, and ≥10oz tuber weight ranges (p<0.05). Total yields were grouped the tightest with CO00291-5R, and showed the greatest variability in 'Fortress Russet'. In the greater than or equal to 10oz tuber weight range CO97087-2RU, 'Fortress Russet,' and'Sangre-S10' each exhibited much greater yields at one of the conventional locations with 'Fortress Russet' showing the greatest variability across locations. Tubers from conventionally managed locations had significantly greater total yield, ≥4oz tubers, ≥6oz tubers, and ≥10oz tubers. There were also significant effects of location within management for all weight ranges, significant effects of genotype for all weight ranges, and significant interaction effects for all weight ranges except ≥6oz tubers.;There was a significant effect ofthe interaction of genotype and location on specific gravity (p<0.05). CO00291-5R and 'Sangre-S10' had low variability across locations, while CO97087-2RU had the greatest variability across locations. There was a significant effect of location on specific gravity (p<0.05) with location one of the organic locations having the highest specific gravity at 1.086 and the two conventional locations having the lowest values at 1.079 and 1.080, respectively. There was a significant effect of genotype on specific gravity.;'Fortress Russet' was the only clone in which location hada significant impact on the prevalence of hollow heart (chi-square=9.881 df=3, p=0.0196) with a maximum of 10.7% of total yield exhibiting hollow heart. 'Fortress Russet' was also significantly impacted by location with regard to growth cracks (chi-square=8.309, df=3, p=0.0400) with a maximum of 5.6% of total yield as was Sangre-S10 (chi-square=12.500, df=3, p=0.0059) with a maximum of 6.1% of total yield. No clones were significantly impacted by location with regard to brown center, knobs, or misshapes.;The interactionbetween genotype and location had a significant effect on tuber potassium concentration (p=0.0127), but not tuber iron or zinc (p=0.3526 and p=0.5259, respectively). CO97087-2RU exhibited much higher levels of tuber potassium at one of the conventional locations than the other locations. 'Fortress Russet' and 'Sangre-S10' exhibited a larger range of tuber potassium concentrations across all four locations compared to the remaining clones. Tuber mineral iron and zinc concentrations were significantly different between tubers from conventionally versus organically managed fields (p<0.05). Tubers from conventionally managed fields had on average 1.91 % dry weight K, 122.8 mg/kg Fe, and 17.4 mg/kg Zn. Tubers from organically managed fields had on average 1.91 % dry weight K, 100.1 mg/kg Fe, and 14.0 mg/kg Zn. There was a significant main effect of location on tuber mineral potassium, iron, and zinc concentrations. There was a significant main effect of genotype on tuber mineral potassium, iron, and zinc concentrations.;There was a significantinteraction effect between genotype and location for soil bacteria and fungi biomass (p<0.05). 'Sangre-S10' showed little variation in soil bacteria between locations, whereas CO97087-2RU and 'Fortress Russet' did. CO97087-2RU showed much greater differences in soil fungi between conventional and organic locations, as did 'Fortress Russet' and 'Sangre-S10'. There was a significant difference in soil fungi, amoebae, and ciliate biomass between management regimes (p<0.0001 for each). Organically managed soils averaged 254 microg fungi /g soil, while conventionally managed soils averaged 142 microg fungi /g soil. Organically managed soils averaged 236,265 amoebae/g soil, while conventionally managed soils averaged 50,872 amoebae/g soil. Organically managed soils averaged 525 ciliates/g soil, while conventionally managed soils averaged 32 ciliates/g soil. There is a significant effect of location on all soil food web constituents except for flagellates (p<0.05). There was a significant effect of clone on soil fungi and ciliates (p<0.05).;There were significant differences in soil respiration, organic carbon, and organic nitrogen between management (p<0.05). Soil from organically managed locations had mean soil respiration of 22.1 ppm CO2/24hrs compared to conventionally managed locations with 16.9 ppm CO2/24hrs. Soil from organically managed locations had mean soil organic carbon pools of 140 ppm compared to conventionally managed locations with a mean of 97 ppm. Soil from organically managed locations had mean soil organic nitrogen pools of 31.8 ppm compared to conventionally managed locations with a mean of 24.4 ppm. There was a significant main effect of location on soil respiration, organic carbon, and organic nitrogen (p<0.05).;The purposes of thisstudy were to identify breeding material that may be used to improve yield and mineral nutrient concentrations of potatoes in conventional and organic systems. There were no clones that performed better in organic systems than conventional, but CO00291-5R did have the least variability in tuber yield across locations. CO00291-2RU was identified as a good candidate for improving potato potassium and zinc concentrations; CO97087-2RU as a good candidate for improving potato iron and potassium concentrations; and Sangre-S10 as a good candidate for improving potato iron concentration. While yield was reduced under organic management, tuber specific gravity was increased compared to conventional management. Organic management also improved soil food web structure and soil health by increasing soil fungal, amoebae, and ciliate biomass, microbial activity, and carbon and nitrogen concentrations.
机译:比较了两个传统和两个有机马铃薯农场的田间块茎,以确定基因型和环境对块茎产量,品质和块茎矿物质含量的影响。比较了来自相同常规和有机农场的根际土壤和散装土壤,以确定基因型和环境对土壤细菌,真菌,原生动物,线虫和土壤健康的影响。方差分析表明,基因型和位置之间的相互作用对总块茎有显着影响产量以及<4oz,≥4oz和≥10oz的块茎重量范围(p <0.05)。总产量与CO00291-5R分组最紧密,并且在'Fortress Russet'中显示出最大的变异性。在块茎重量大于或等于10盎司的CO97087-2RU中,“ Fortress Russet”和“ Sangre-S10”在常规位置之一均表现出更高的产量,其中“ Fortress Russet”在各个位置之间表现出最大的可变性。按常规管理的块茎的总产量明显更高,≥4oz的块茎,≥6oz的块茎和≥10oz的块茎。除体重≥6oz的块茎外,在所有体重范围内,管理范围内的位置也有显着影响;在所有体重范围内,基因型也有显着影响;在≥6oz的块茎上,所有体重范围内都有显着的交互作用。重力(p <0.05)。 CO00291-5R和'Sangre-S10'在不同地点之间的变异性较低,而CO97087-2RU在不同地点之间的变异性最大。位置对比重有显着影响(p <0.05),其中有机位置之一的最高比重为1.086,而两个常规位置的最低值分别为1.079和1.080。基因型对比重有显着影响。“堡垒赤褐色”是唯一一个位置对空心心脏患病率有显着影响的克隆(卡方= 9.881 df = 3,p = 0.0196),最大值为总产量的10.7%表现出空心。 'Russet堡垒'还受到生长裂缝位置的显着影响(卡方= 8.309,df = 3,p = 0.0400),最高产量为Sangre-S10的5.6%(卡方= 12.500) ,df = 3,p = 0.0059),最高占总产量的6.1%。没有克隆受到棕色中心,纽结或畸形位置的显着影响。基因型和位置之间的相互作用对块茎钾浓度(p = 0.0127)有明显影响,但对块茎铁或锌的影响不明显(p = 0.3526和p分别为0.5259)。 CO97087-2RU在一个常规位置显示的块茎钾水平比其他位置高得多。与其余克隆相比,“堡垒Russet”和“ Sangre-S10”在所有四个位置显示出更大的块茎钾浓度范围。块茎中的块茎矿物铁和锌浓度与常规和有机管理的块茎之间存在显着差异(p <0.05)。来自常规管理田间的块茎的平均干重K为1.91%,Fe为122.8 mg / kg,Zn为17.4 mg / kg。有机管理田间的块茎平均干重为K的1.91%,Fe为100.1 mg / kg,Zn为14.0 mg / kg。定位对块茎矿物质钾,铁和锌的浓度有重大的主要影响。基因型对块茎矿物质钾,铁和锌的浓度具有显着的主要影响。;基因型与土壤细菌和真菌生物量的位置之间存在显着的交互作用(p <0.05)。 “ Sangre-S10”在不同位置之间的土壤细菌变化很小,而“ CO97087-2RU”和“ Fortress Russet”却没有。与“ Fortress Russet”和“ Sangre-S10”一样,CO97087-2RU在常规位置和有机位置之间的土壤真菌差异也更大。在不同的管理制度下,土壤真菌,变形虫和纤毛虫的生物量存在显着差异(每种均p <0.0001)。有机管理的土壤平均为254微克真菌/克土壤,而传统管理的土壤平均为142微克真菌/克土壤。有机管理的土壤平均为236,265变形虫/克土壤,而常规管理的土壤平均为50,872变形虫/克土壤。有机管理的土壤平均525纤毛/克土壤,而传统管理的土壤平均32纤毛/克土壤。除鞭毛以外,定位对所有土壤食物网成分都有显着影响(p <0.05)。克隆对土壤真菌和纤毛虫有显着影响(p <0.05)。;土壤呼吸,有机碳有显着差异,以及管理之间的有机氮(p <0.05)。有机管理地点的土壤平均呼吸为22.1 ppm CO2 / 24hrs,而传统管理地点的土壤呼吸为16.9 ppm CO2 / 24hrs。来自有机管理地点的土壤的平均土壤有机碳库为140 ppm,而传统管理地点的平均值为97 ppm。来自有机管理地点的土壤的平均有机氮库为31.8 ppm,而传统管理地点的平均值为24.4 ppm。定位对土壤呼吸,有机碳和有机氮有显着的主要影响(p <0.05)。本研究的目的是确定可用于提高常规和传统马铃薯的产量和矿质养分含量的育种材料。有机系统。没有克隆在有机系统中比常规克隆表现更好,但是CO00291-5R的跨区块茎产量变异确实最小。 CO00291-2RU被认为是改善马铃薯钾和锌浓度的良好候选者。 CO97087-2RU是改善马铃薯铁和钾浓度的良好选择; Sangre-S10是提高马铃薯铁浓度的理想选择。在有机管理下虽然产量降低,但与常规管理相比,块茎比重增加。有机管理还通过增加土壤真菌,变形虫和纤毛虫的生物量,微生物活性以及碳和氮的浓度,改善了土壤食物网的结构和土壤健康。


  • 作者

    Kammlade, Sara Marie.;

  • 作者单位

    Colorado State University.;

  • 授予单位 Colorado State University.;
  • 学科 Agriculture.
  • 学位 M.S.
  • 年度 2015
  • 页码 81 p.
  • 总页数 81
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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