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Using a cost benefit analysis to support the development of a comprehensive business model for a pre-filled, pre-labeled, pre-diluted, sterilely packaged, ready-to-use, syringe-based anesthesia delivery system.


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The foundation of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists' (CRNAs) entire profession is built on the ability to provide anesthetic services using a variety of medications in the safest, most efficient, cost-effective way possible. The purpose of this capstone is to address, via a comprehensive cost benefit analysis, whether pre-filled syringe drug trays are a more cost-effective way to address problems as compared to vial-filled drug trays and to implement the necessary transitions in order to improve outcomes. There are a number of identifiable problems related to anesthesia medication delivery via vial-filled medication, including increased cost of healthcare, decreased patient safety to provider inconvenience, increased medication errors, and increased contamination. The method of medication delivery has gained the attention of significant governing bodies such as the Joint Commission of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), just to name a few. The best methods for change were evaluated in order to facilitate the most optimal quality improvement. According to the AANA, "the available information is sufficient to promote the implementation of pre-filled or premixed syringes in anesthesia departments to reduce the number of adverse drug events (ADEs) and become compliant with the Joint Commission, and Institute of Medicine" (Brown, 2014, pp. 465-469).;The future change in anesthesia drug delivery is undeniable, and the data provide clearly defined recommendations and guidelines supporting the use of pre-filed syringes. Providing medications in pre-filled syringes would reduce medication errors and treatment delays, improve patient safety, and effectively meet the expectations, recommendations, and guidelines of governing entities (Fahimi et al., 2008). "When you look at the impact of the initiative on quality and safety for the patients, it's [just] what's right to do" (Blum, 2013, p. 3).
机译:认证注册护士麻醉师(CRNA)整个行业的基础是建立在能够以最安全,最有效,最具成本效益的方式使用多种药物提供麻醉服务的能力上。最高目标是通过全面的成本效益分析来解决,与装满药瓶的药物托盘相比,预装注射器的药物托盘是否是更具成本效益的解决问题的方法,并实现了必要的过渡,以便改善结果。与通过小瓶填充药物输送麻醉药物有关的许多可识别问题,包括医疗保健成本增加,患者对提供者不便的安全性降低,药物错误增加以及污染增加。药物输送方法已经引起了重要的理事机构的关注,例如医疗组织联合委员会(JCAHO),疾病控制中心(CDC)和美国麻醉护士协会(AANA)等。评估了最佳变更方法,以促进最佳质量改进。根据AANA的说法,“现有信息足以促进麻醉部门使用预填充或预混合注射器,以减少不良药物事件(ADE)的数量并符合联合委员会和医学研究所的要求”( Brown,2014年,第465-469页);麻醉药物输送的未来变化是不可否认的,数据提供了明确定义的建议和指南,以支持预先使用的注射器。在预装注射器中提供药物将减少药物错误和治疗延误,提高患者安全性,并有效地满足管理实体的期望,建议和准则(Fahimi等,2008)。 “当您查看该计划对患者的质量和安全性的影响时,这[是]正确的做法”(Blum,2013年,第3页)。


  • 作者

    Kennedy, Lance Brandon.;

  • 作者单位

    The University of Southern Mississippi.;

  • 授予单位 The University of Southern Mississippi.;
  • 学科 Medicine.;Entrepreneurship.;Surgery.
  • 学位 D.N.P.
  • 年度 2015
  • 页码 56 p.
  • 总页数 56
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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