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Technical and economic comparison of natural gas sweetening process.


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Natural gas has a wide variety of uses and, as obtained from the reservoir, is either sweet or sour. Sweet natural gas has little, if any, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) content, but sour gas contains contaminants, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), and others. In order to make use of this sour gas, it must be sweetened using various gas-sweetening processes.;The main three types of available gas sweetening technologies are: chemical, physical and hybrid solvents processes for reducing H2S and CO 2 contents. The chemical solvent processes, such as alkanolamines (MEA, DEA, DGA, DIPA, and MDEA), have lower energy consumption, and lower maintenance cost than physical solvent processes. The chemical solvent processes are good for gas-sweetening applications in which, the natural gas contains heavy hydrocarbons, has a low H2S/CO2 ratio, is a low-pressure (less than 500 psig) system, and has low sulfur requirements.;The physical solvent processes such as: SelexolRTM (DEPG), Purisol (NMP), RectisolRTM (methanol), and FLUOR solvent (1,2-propylene carbonate) have higher corrosive potential, less foaming tendencies, and more complex nature than chemical solvent processes. The physical solvent processes are good for natural gases having high acid gas concentrations, and when there is a requirement to treat and dehydrate gas simultaneously, with the best-known example being the Molecular Sieve Process.;Hybrid solvent processes, such as SulfinolRTM-D, use a mixture of DIPA, water, and sulfolane (C4H8O 2S), and hybrid (or mixed) amine mixtures are mixtures of MDEA and DEA or MEA. Hybrid solvents enhance H2S and CO2 removal efficiency; increase concentration and stability while retaining the capabilities of DIPA (or MDEA), such as: low heat of reaction, and lower corrosion potential. Hybrid solvents have 5% to 10% more operating cost, but generate negligible losses compared to other processes. Their capital cost requirements are less than other processes for the same capacity, because smaller-sized equipment is required due to (20% to 25%) lower foaming, lower energy consumption (15% to 18%), and much lower circulation rates.;The selection of solvent is very important because the right solvent can lower the capital costs and the operating costs by as much as 30% to 40%, and fuel cost by as much as 50%. The prime objective of gas sweetening is to produce a specification-quality product as economically as possible. A detailed gas sweetening process using DEA as the chemical solvent has been designed (Refer to Appendix -2.1) in which, all the process conditions and parameters have been calculated and described for a sour gas plant that is processing 10 MMSCFD of sour gas that contains 9.8% H2S and 1.7% CO2.
机译:天然气用途广泛,从储层中获取的天然气要么是甜的,要么是酸性的。甜的天然气几乎没有硫化氢(H2S)含量,但酸性气体含有污染物,例如硫化氢(H2S),二氧化碳(CO2)等。为了利用这种酸性气体,必须通过各种气体甜化工艺对其进行甜化。可用的气体甜味技术的主要三种类型是:化学,物理和混合溶剂工艺,用于降低H2S和CO 2含量。与物理溶剂工艺相比,化学溶剂工艺(例如链烷醇胺(MEA,DEA,DGA,DIPA和MDEA))具有更低的能耗和更低的维护成本。化学溶剂工艺非常适合用于加气应用,其中天然气包含重烃,H2S / CO2比低,是低压系统(小于500 psig),对硫的要求低。物理溶剂工艺(例如:SelexolRTM(DEPG​​),Purisol(NMP),RectisolRTM(甲醇)和FLUOR溶剂(1,2-碳酸亚丙酯)比化学溶剂工艺具有更高的腐蚀潜能,更少的起泡倾向和更复杂的性质。物理溶剂法适用于酸性气体浓度较高的天然气,以及需要同时处理和脱水的气体时,最著名的例子是分子筛法;混合溶剂法,如SulfinolRTM-D ,请使用DIPA,水和环丁砜(C4H8O 2S)的混合物,杂化(或混合)胺混合物是MDEA和DEA或MEA的混合物。混合溶剂可提高H2S和CO2去除效率;在保持DIPA(或MDEA)功能的同时,提高了浓度和稳定性,例如:反应热低,腐蚀电位低。杂化溶剂的运行成本增加了5%至10%,但与其他方法相比,损失可忽略不计。对于相同的生产能力,其资本成本要求比其他工艺要低,这是因为所需的设备尺寸更小(由于降低了发泡率(20%至25%),降低了能耗(15%至18%)并且循环速率大大降低)。 ;溶剂的选择非常重要,因为正确的溶剂可以将投资成本和运营成本降低多达30%至40%,并将燃料成本降低多达50%。气体脱硫的主要目的是尽可能经济地生产规格合格的产品。设计了使用DEA作为化学溶剂的详细气体脱硫工艺(请参阅附录-2.1),其中已计算并描述了处理10 MMSCFD含硫气体的酸性气体工厂的所有工艺条件和参数。 9.8%的H2S和1.7%的CO2。



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