首页> 外文学位 >The Moscow interlude. Covering the Soviet Union for the American elite press: 1970-1980. A study in the sociology of newsmaking.

The Moscow interlude. Covering the Soviet Union for the American elite press: 1970-1980. A study in the sociology of newsmaking.

机译:莫斯科间奏曲。 1970-1980年为美国精锐媒体报道苏联。新闻社会学研究。

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The content of news stories filed by Moscow correspondents of American elite press (the Moscow "specials") can largely be explained by the interaction of three structural factors: the institutional norms of American journalism, the organizational imperatives of routine commercial news production, and the unusual production context of the Moscow beat.; This study elucidates several major features of the occupational culture of American journalism; examines the training and background of nine former Moscow "specials" interviewed; constructs, from published Soviet sources, official Soviet perceptions of the occupational tasks of resident American journalists; updates the information on the living and working conditions of the Moscow "specials", including the sources they use routinely and their complex relations with Soviet dissidents; shows how the unusual production context of the Moscow beat modifies the professional ideal of the resident American correspondents. An extensive content analysis was designed to uncover the criteria of newsworthiness used by American journalists in the Soviet Union and the resultant structure in their reportage.; Seen within the broader context of American journalistic norms and practices, the Soviet beat, while unique in certain respects, remains firmly rooted in the organizational and institutional traditions of elite newsmaking. For journalistic professionals, the Moscow assignment is an interlude rather than a radical departure from the conventions that have been learned on other beats.; This conclusion contrasts with previous attempts to explain coverage of the Soviet Union in the American press. Some students have viewed the Soviet reportage solely as a product of the ideology of Moscow correspondents, "cold war," "anti-Soviet" or "liberal". Others emphasized patriotism as a factor inducing the American journalists to follow the official "State Department line" in the coverage. Still others have put premium on the harsh working conditions of the Moscow beat.


  • 作者

    Aron, Leon Rabinovich.;

  • 作者单位

    Columbia University.;

  • 授予单位 Columbia University.;
  • 学科 Journalism.; Sociology General.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 1986
  • 页码 508 p.
  • 总页数 508
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 新闻学、新闻事业;社会学;
  • 关键词


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