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A comparison study of emergency and medical/surgical registered nurses' understanding of pain and its management.


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This replication study was designed to compare emergency and medical/surgical registered nurses' actual and perceived knowledge of the pharmacological and nonpharmacological aspects of pain and its management. A modification of the original tool that consisted of a combination of multiple choice, short answer and open-ended questions was utilized. A convenience sample representing beginner and expert medical/surgical and emergency nurses was obtained.;No difference was found between specialty or experience and current pain knowledge. All participants functioned at a similar level. Participants were unable to describe basic terms related to current pain theory and therapy. The only significant difference identified between participants' pain knowledge was that emergency nurses displayed a better understanding of morphine. Participants identified a need for further knowledge of pain and felt it should be provided by the employer's inservice education department. This study supported the findings of the original investigation.


  • 作者

    Oborski, Jo Ann.;

  • 作者单位

    Grand Valley State University.;

  • 授予单位 Grand Valley State University.;
  • 学科 Health Sciences Nursing.;Psychology Physiological.
  • 学位 M.S.N.
  • 年度 1996
  • 页码 116 p.
  • 总页数 116
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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