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Making history visible: Culture and politics in the presentation of Musqueam history.


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The ongoing struggle for aboriginal rights in British Columbia has been matched by an ongoing attempt on the part of scholars to analyze it. The focus of many of these studies has been the court room, that is, the legal battles to define aboriginal title and sovereignty. While important, this research does not address the political content of aboriginal cultural expression as it occurs in varied contexts.;Throughout the twentieth century, mainstream Canadian society has understood aboriginal culture and politics as separate areas of activity. This thesis suggests that First Nations have not made such a rigid distinction between culture and politics. Musqueam cultural forms such as houseposts, dances, and weavings were a form of political expression about the past. Indeed, the thesis argues that they were a form of public history, produced to identify the community to others and to further their land claims vis-a-vis non-Natives and other First Nations. While these cultural presentations served particular political ends, they did so without violating Musqueam boundaries between public and private knowledge.;This thesis examines three instances of Musqueam presentations of their culture and history to non-Natives. In preparation of the 1913 visit of the Royal Commission on Indian Affairs to the reserve, the Musqueam decorated a community hall with two carved houseposts. In 1966, they organized a dance performance for a provincial centennial event. More recently, in the early 1980s a group of Musqueam women produced weavings for sale and display in non-Native contexts. Over the course of the last century, Musqueam's traditional territory has been engulfed by the City of Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. This proximity to a major urban centre has tended to overshadow the community's visibility. Cultural presentation was a way to identify a distinct community with continuing ties to a territory---it was a way to make history visible.
机译:不列颠哥伦比亚省为争取原住民权利而进行的斗争,与此同时,学者们也在不断进行分析。其中许多研究的焦点一直在法庭上,也就是说,为界定原住民头衔和主权而进行的法律斗争。尽管重要,但这项研究并未解决土著文化表现形式的政治内容,因为它发生在各种情况下。在整个二十世纪,加拿大主流社会一直将土著文化和政治理解为独立的活动领域。该论文表明,原住民在文化和政治之间没有做出如此严格的区分。室内装饰,舞蹈和编织等穆斯林文化形式是对过去的政治表达。的确,论文认为,这是公共历史的一种形式,其产生是为了向其他人识别社区并进一步发展其对非本地人和其他原住民的土地主张。虽然这些文化表现形式具有特定的政治目的,但它们这样做的目的是不违反Musqueam在公共知识和私人知识之间的界限。本论文研究了Musqueam向非本地人展现其文化和历史的三个实例。在准备皇家印度事务委员会1913年访问保护区时,穆斯克姆装饰了一个带有两个雕花门柱的社区大厅。 1966年,他们为省百年纪念活动组织了一场舞蹈表演。最近,在1980年代初期,一群Musqueam妇女在非本地生产和销售编织品。在上个世纪的过程中,Musqueam的传统领土被温哥华市和低陆平原所吞没。靠近主要城市中心的趋势往往使社区的知名度蒙上阴影。文化表现是一种确定与一个领土具有持续联系的独特社区的方式,这是使历史可见的一种方式。


  • 作者

    Roy, Susan Helen.;

  • 作者单位

    Simon Fraser University (Canada).;

  • 授予单位 Simon Fraser University (Canada).;
  • 学科 Canadian history.;Canadian studies.;Cultural anthropology.
  • 学位 M.A.
  • 年度 1999
  • 页码 127 p.
  • 总页数 127
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 能源与动力工程;
  • 关键词


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