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A biogeochemical investigation of Aureococcus anophagefferens blooms: Interactions with organic nutrients and trace metals.


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During the past several decades, coastal ecosystems around the world have experienced notable increases in the frequency, intensity and diversity of Harmful Algal Blooms. Since 1985, Brown Tides of the pelagophyte Aureococcus anophagefferens have plagued multiple mid-Atlantic estuaries and have decimated the commercial scallop industry on Long Island. Therefore, this study used a combined approach of laboratory experiments, field experiments and field measurements to evaluate the role of organic, inorganic and trace metal nutrients in the initiation, persistence and demise of Aureococcus anophagefferens blooms within Long Island embayments.; During a two-year study of Brown Tides at West Neck Bay (WNB) on Shelter Island, it was found that groundwater seepage supplied 83% of dissolved inorganic nitrogen entering the bay. During 1997 and 1998, elevated levels of nitrate (1--25 muM) were measured in WNB during the annual peaks in groundwater flow. Peak nitrate inputs were followed by mixed assemblage phytoplankton blooms that were succeeded by monospecific Brown Tides with densities >5 x 105 cells mL-1.; To evaluate the ability of nutrients to enhance Aureococcus growth during blooms, a series of nutrient enrichment experiments were conducted over the course of a two-month Brown Tide bloom at West Neck Bay (WNB), Long Island. The nutrient stimulating Brown Tide growth was a function of ambient nutrient levels, as the bloom shifted from organic carbon to N-limitation when nitrate levels in WNB decreased from elevated (2 to 20 muM) to low (0.5 muM) levels. Despite occasional growth enhancement by additions of nitrate or urea, these additions either had no effect or significantly decreased the relative abundance of Brown Tide among the algal community during experiments.; To evaluate the role of iron in the occurrence of Brown Tide blooms, we investigated its physicochemical speciation in the Peconic Estuary. Across the Brown Tide-prone, high salinity portion of the estuary, dissolved Fe varied from 9 to 240 nM, which is within the range (100 nM) reported to cause physiological Fe stress in this species. Iron speciation results indicated that dissolved Fe in the more saline portions of the Peconics was, on average, 87% organically complexed and 76% high molecular weight (HMW).; Since bloom densities of Aureococcus anophagefferens can repress benthic and pelagic grazing, viral lysis may be the primary removal mechanism for Brown Tide blooms on Long Island. A laboratory investigation was designed to understand the biogeochemical cycling of C, N, P, Fe and Se following the viral demise of Aureococcus blooms. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
机译:在过去的几十年中,世界各地的沿海生态系统在有害藻华的发生频率,强度和多样性方面都有显着增加。自1985年以来,象牙藻金黄色葡萄球菌的褐潮已经困扰了大西洋中部多个河口,并摧毁了长岛的商业扇贝产业。因此,本研究采用实验室实验,野外实验和野外测量相结合的方法,评估了有机,无机和微量金属养分在长岛湾内嗜藻性金黄色葡萄球菌水华的引发,持久性和消亡中的作用。在对谢尔特岛西颈湾(WNB)进行的棕色潮汐研究中,进行了为期两年的研究,发现地下水的渗入提供了83%的溶解无机氮进入海湾。在1997年和1998年期间,在地下水流量的年度峰值期间,WNB中的硝酸盐含量升高(1--25μM)。硝酸盐峰值输入之后是浮游植物的混合开花,其后是密度大于5 x 105细胞mL-1的单特异性布朗潮。为了评估开花期间营养物质增强金黄色葡萄球菌生长的能力,在长岛西颈湾(WNB)进行了为期两个月的褐潮开花过程中,进行了一系列营养物质富集实验。当WNB中的硝酸盐水平从升高的(2至20μM)降低到低(<0.5μM)的水平时,水华从有机碳转变为N限制,刺激褐潮生长的养分是环境养分水平的函数。尽管偶尔通过添加硝酸盐或尿素来促进生长,但是这些添加在实验过程中对藻​​类群落中褐潮的相对丰度没有影响或明显降低。为了评估铁在褐潮水华发生中的作用,我们研究了在锥孔河口的铁的理化形态。整个河口高盐度部分中,溶解的铁在9至240 nM之间变化,这在该物种引起生理性铁胁迫的范围内(100 nM)。铁的形态分析结果表明,Peconics盐分较高的部分中溶解的Fe平均有机络合率为87%,高分子量(HMW)为76%。由于嗜食性金黄色葡萄球菌的开花密度可以抑制底栖和浮游放牧,因此病毒裂解可能是长岛褐潮开花的主要去除机制。设计了一个实验室调查来了解金黄色葡萄球菌的病毒死亡后C,N,P,Fe和Se的生物地球化学循环。 (摘要由UMI缩短。)



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