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Determination of impact of an interactive learning module created on the Internet on food safety knowledge and habits of college students in an introductory nutrition course.


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Food safety is a major concern for the government, food manufacturers and processors, and consumers. Little is known about the food preparation habits and food safety knowledge of college students. The purpose of this study was to determine if food safety knowledge and habits of college students in an introductory nutrition course could be impacted through an interactive learning module created on the Internet.; A two part food safety learning module was created on the Internet for use with college students (n = 293) enrolled in introductory nutrition courses. Part one of the learning module included a food handling practices questionnaire, food safety knowledge test, food safety attitude assessment form, and demographics questionnaire, a five chapter lesson on food safety, and a food safety knowledge posttest. Part two of the learning module included a follow-up of the food handling practices questionnaire, the food safety knowledge test, food safety attitude assessment form, and a program evaluation.; From the time of the pre-test to the follow-up test, improvement in food handling practices was observed in 19 out of 22 of the questions. For all subjects, the average knowledge test score for the pre-test was 44, the post-test, 82, and 63 for the follow-up test; which indicates an overall gain in knowledge after completing the learning module. From the pre-test to the follow-up test, the percentage of subjects answering each food safety knowledge test correctly improved for 21 out of 22 questions.; College age students lack food safety knowledge and may have food handling practices that could lead to foodborne illness. Although many in this group have had some prior food safety instruction, they appear to have inadequate preparation for making personal food choices. This age group has been targeted as needing increased food safety education; therefore, it is important for academic institutions, both at the secondary and collegiate level, to provide this information. With the increased utilization of computers, Internet based education programs can be adapted to reach a broader audience and be incorporated into an existing curriculum without requiring additional class time.
机译:食品安全是政府,食品制造商和加工商以及消费者的主要关注点。关于大学生的食物制备习惯和食品安全知识知之甚少。这项研究的目的是确定是否可以通过在互联网上创建的交互式学习模块来影响营养入门课程中大学生的食品安全知识和习惯。在互联网上创建了一个由两部分组成的食品安全学习模块,供注册营养入门课程的大学生(n = 293)使用。学习模块的第一部分包括食品操作规范问卷,食品安全知识测验,食品安全态度评估表和人口统计调查表,有关食品安全的五章课程以及食品安全知识后测。学习模块的第二部分包括对食品处理实践问卷的跟踪,食品安全知识测验,食品安全态度评估表和计划评估。从预测试到后续测试,我们在22个问题中的19个中观察到食品处理实践的改善。对于所有受试者,预测的平均知识测验分数为44,测验的平均知识测验分数为82,而后续测验的平均知识测验分数为63;表示完成学习模块后知识的总体增长。从前测到后续测验,在回答22个问题中有21个问题后,正确回答每个食品安全知识测验的受试者百分比得到了正确提高。大学年龄的学生缺乏食品安全知识,并可能有可能导致食源性疾病的食品处理习惯。尽管该组中的许多人事先有过一些食品安全说明,但他们似乎没有为选择个人食品做充分的准备。该年龄组的目标人群是需要加强食品安全教育;因此,对于中学和大学级别的学术机构,提供此信息很重要。随着计算机利用率的提高,基于Internet的教育计划可以适应更广泛的受众,并被纳入现有课程中,而无需额外的上课时间。



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