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Regeneration dynamics of a Madagascar rainforest and their relationship to human disturbances.


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Because of human disturbance, the majority of today's tropical forests are secondary forests. Understanding how forest regeneration dynamics are influenced by human impacts is a prerequisite to formulating management actions needed to conserve tropical forest biodiversity. The goals of this study were to: (1) Characterize the effects of different land uses on the structure, composition and site variables of a littoral forest in eastern Madagascar. (2) Parameterize juvenile mortality and growth models for a suite of native trees as a function of light, soil moisture and soil type. (3) Calibrate a predictive model of regeneration potential for these native trees as a function of human impact.; A range of human disturbances created a heterogeneous mosaic of forest types, both in terms of structure and species composition. The thickness of the O horizon and understory light were the two site variables that were most associated with the variation in species composition along gradients of human impacts. Axis 1 of a CCA ordination analysis was found to represent a gradient of human impact, from low to severe.; Species-specific tradeoffs in mortality and growth were observed among seedlings of four native tree species transplanted in a forest environment along light, soil moisture and soil type gradients. Species partitioned the light-soil moisture continuum into discrete niches based on their modeled relative performance as seedlings and saplings.; Densities of wild seedlings and saplings of the four native tree species used in the transplant trials did not always reflect the densities predicted by the niche partitioning model. However, predictive modeling of regeneration based on that model predicted seedling presence/absence among 21 forest plots sampling the gradient of human impact.; Seed dispersal was a predictor of natural regeneration for shade-tolerant species in a fragmented forest landscape, while seedling mortality was a predictor of regeneration for Harungana madagascariensis, a pioneer tree species adapted to disturbed sites. Harungana regeneration was not a good indicator of human disturbance but regeneration of Ocotea cymosa , a very shade-tolerant, slow growing native tree species, was found to be a good indicator of human disturbance.
机译:由于人类的干扰,当今的热带森林大多数是次生森林。了解森林更新动态如何受到人类影响的影响是制定保护热带森林生物多样性所需的管理行动的前提。这项研究的目标是:(1)表征不同土地利用对马达加斯加东部沿海森林的结构,组成和场地变量的影响。 (2)根据光照,土壤湿度和土壤类型,为一组原生树参数化幼树死亡率和生长模型。 (3)根据人类影响建立这些原生树的再生潜力预测模型;在结构和物种组成方面,一系列人为干扰造成了森林类型的异质镶嵌。 O地平线的厚度和林下光是两个物种变量,它们与物种组成沿人类影响梯度的变化最相关。发现CCA协调分析的第1轴代表人类影响从低到严重的梯度。在光,土壤湿度和土壤类型梯度下,在森林环境中移植的四种本地树种的幼苗之间观察到了死亡率和生长的特定物种权衡。物种根据它们作为苗和树苗的相对性能建模,将轻土壤水分连续体划分为离散的生态位。移植试验中使用的四种天然树种的野生幼苗和幼树的密度并不总是反映利基分配模型所预测的密度。但是,基于该模型的再生预测模型预测了21种林地中幼苗的存在与否,这些林地采样了人类影响的梯度。种子散布是零散森林景观中耐荫树种自然再生的预测指标,而幼苗死亡率则是适应干扰地区的先锋树种 madungarscariensis 的再生指标。 Harungana的再生并不是良好的人为干扰指标,但是发现 Cymosa (一种耐荫性强,生长缓慢的本地树种)的再生是良好的人为干扰指标。



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