首页> 外文学位 >Mycorrhizal ecology in a Sierran mixed-conifer forest: Effects on seedling establishment (California).

Mycorrhizal ecology in a Sierran mixed-conifer forest: Effects on seedling establishment (California).


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Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) may colonize new seedlings either by vegetative growth of hyphae from established mycelia in the soil or by spore. Seedlings that are colonized by hyphal spread from an established mycelium become immediately linked to a network of hyphae in the soil and potentially linked to other host plants. By enabling translocation of water, nutrients, or carbon, these hyphal networks may increase the supply of critical resources to seedlings. For tree seedlings regenerating in the resource-limited environment of a forest understory, connections to mycorrhizal networks may confer benefits that translate into increased growth and survival for the seedlings.; Seedlings that were allowed to form hyphal connections consistently had a better chance of surviving and grew larger than seedlings that were prevented from forming hyphal connections. This increase in performance was of a magnitude that is ecologically significant for seedlings regenerating in forest gaps.; We then assessed the effects of the different colonization regimes on EMF communities found on Ps. menziesii roots in our study. There is evidence that EMF species that dominate the spore bank differ from those that largely spread through mycelial expansion. We quantified the EMF community on Ps. menziesii seedlings and compared the EMF taxa found on seedlings that were open to hyphal colonization to those found on seedlings that were colonized by spore. We found extremely high overall mycorrhizal species richness (137 species) and the majority of these species were rare, each accounting for less than 2% of the overall abundance.; We found that there was no decline in EMF species richness after the first year on seedlings when hyphal connections were prevented. Yet, after two years, species richness dramatically declined on seedlings where hyphal access was prevented.; In the final part of the research, we link EMF colonization dynamics with host plant autecology with regards to forest management. We examine mycorrhizal colonization on two conifer species planted across a gradient from forest to cut within group selection cuts. The ability of seedlings to be colonized by hyphal spread decreases with increasing distance away from the intact forest into the cut. I looked at mycorrhizal colonization dynamics and seedling performance in both an early-successional conifer, Pinus ponderosa, and a mid-successional conifer, Pseudotsuga menziesii. This research showed that the symbionts of different plant species respond to disturbance in highly individualized ways that reflect the life history strategies of their host plants. While the symbionts of the mid-successional conifer were not able to colonize seedlings farther than several meters away from the intact forest, colonization by symbionts of the early-successional P. ponderosa were as likely to colonize seedlings toward the center of the clearcut as those on the edge of the intact forest. The fact that the fungal symbionts of P. ponderosa are capable of long-distance dispersal may give this species a significant dispersal advantage following large disturbance events. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
机译:外生菌根真菌(EMF)可能通过土壤中已建立的菌丝体的菌丝营养生长或通过孢子而定居在新的幼苗上。通过菌丝从已建立的菌丝体传播而定居的幼苗立即与土壤中的菌丝网络相连,并有可能与其他寄主植物相连。通过使水,养分或碳易位,这些菌丝网络可以增加幼苗的关键资源供应。对于在林下资源有限的环境中再生的树苗,与菌根网络的连接可能会带来好处,从而转化为幼苗的生长和存活增加。始终允许形成菌丝连接的幼苗比被阻止形成菌丝连接的幼苗具有更好的生存机会,并且长得更大。性能的提高对于在林隙中再生的幼苗具有重要的生态意义。然后,我们评估了不同殖民化制度对在<斜体> Ps上发现的EMF群落的影响。 menziesii 起源于我们的研究。有证据表明,主导孢子库的EMF物种与通过菌丝体扩展而大量传播的EMF物种不同。我们用 Ps量化了EMF社区。 Menziesii 幼苗,并将在菌丝定殖的幼苗上发现的EMF分类与孢子定殖的幼苗上的EMF分类进行了比较。我们发现,菌根物种的总体丰富度极高(137种),而这些物种中的大多数是稀有的,每一种都占不到总体丰富度的2%。我们发现,防止菌丝连接的第一年后,EMF物种丰富度没有下降。然而,两年后,阻止菌丝进入的幼苗的物种丰富度急剧下降。在研究的最后部分,我们将EMF的定殖动态与寄主植物的自科病学联系起来,进行森林管理。我们研究了从树种到群体选择范围内的切口之间种植的两种针叶树种上的菌根定植。幼苗从菌丝扩散定居的能力随着从完整森林到砍伐区的距离的增加而降低。我观察了早期成功的针叶树毛黄松和中期成功的针叶树 Pseudotsuga menziesii 的菌根定植动态和幼苗性能。这项研究表明,不同植物物种的共生体以高度个性化的方式对干扰做出反应,这反映了其寄主植物的生活史策略。尽管中成功针叶树的共生菌不能在距离完整森林几米远的地方定植幼苗,但早期成功 P的共生菌可以定植。美国黄松在定居中心向树桩定植的可能性与在原始森林边缘定居的可能性相同。 P真菌共生的事实。能够进行远距离散布的美国黄松可能会在发生大的干扰事件后为该物种提供明显的散布优势。 (摘要由UMI缩短。)



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