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Food safety training and sanitation inspection ratings in selected food service facilities.


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The purpose of the study was to determine whether safety and sanitation courses were improving food safety in Mississippi. The study compared information from health inspection reports for food service facilities with and without a certified manager. The population for this study consisted of all full service foodservice facilities with an average risk level of 3 and 4 that were inspected by the Mississippi State Department of Health.; Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Version 10.0 (SPSS/PC inc. 2000). The Pearson chi-square was used to test the overall relationships between the independent variable and dependent variable. The researcher established an alpha level of .05 a priori.; Data consisted of 31,081 Mississippi State Department of Health inspections. Data were used from 27,770 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point inspections and 3,311 follow-up inspections. Data were not used in 526 inspections because the inspection reports did not include the type of inspection.; The results showed 1,880 level 3 and 4 facilities did not have certified managers. Results also revealed that 562 (29.9%) facilities within the non-certified group failed the HACCP inspection and 1,318 (70.1%) within the non-certified group passed the HACCP inspection. Of the 20,398 level 3 and 4 facilities with a certified manager, 2,052 (10.1%) failed the HACCP inspection and 18,346 (89.9%) passed the HACCP inspection. Having a certified manager significantly increased the likelihood of a facility passing inspection.; Once a facility failed the HACCP inspection, there was no significant difference between certified and non-certified facilities in the number of follow-up visits or the number or reasons for facilities to pass the Mississippi State Department of Health Inspection and Re-application inspection.
机译:该研究的目的是确定安全和卫生课程是否正在改善密西西比州的食品安全。该研究比较了有和没有认证经理的食品服务设施健康检查报告中的信息。该研究的人群由密西西比州卫生部检查的平均风险水平为3和4的所有全方位服务的餐饮服务设施组成。数据使用社会科学统计软件包10.0版(SPSS / PC inc。2000)进行分析。皮尔逊卡方用于检验自变量和因变量之间的整体关系。研究人员确定的alpha水平为.05 priorit 。数据包括密西西比州卫生部的31,081次检查。数据来自27,770个危害分析关键控制点检查和3,311个后续检查。 526次检查未使用数据,因为检查报告未包括检查类型。结果表明,有1,880个3级和4级机构没有认证的经理。结果还显示,未经认证的组中有562(29.9%)个设施未通过HACCP检查,未经认证的组中的1,318(70.1%)通过了HACCP检查。在20,398座拥有认证经理资格的3级和4级设施中,有2,052(10.1%)个未通过HACCP检查,而18,346个(89.9%)通过了HACCP检查。拥有认证的经理大大增加了设施通过检查的可能性。一旦某个设施未通过HACCP检查,则经过认证的设施和未经认证的设施之间的随访次数,设施通过密西西比州卫生部检查和重新申请检查的次数或原因都没有显着差异。



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