首页> 外文学位 >War of the corms: Haeckelian bio-politics and Oka Asajiro's 'Evolution and Human Life' (Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel).

War of the corms: Haeckelian bio-politics and Oka Asajiro's 'Evolution and Human Life' (Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel).


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The dissertation addresses the early political thought of the German-trained, Japanese zoologist and popularizer of evolutionism, Oka Asajiro (1868--1944). It concentrates on a series of essays that Oka published in major magazines in the years during and after the Russo-Japanese War---writings which were later anthologized as Evolution and Human Life ( Shinka to Jinsei) in 1906 and that appeared again in 1911 and 1921 in expanded versions. I argue that Oka, in these essays, articulated a vision of the human struggle for existence based on the state organism theory of the renowned German zoologist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), and did so in a manner that stressed the scientific underpinnings of the emerging family-state ideology of the late 1900s.; Though it treated the emperor as a living god, the family-state concept had, since the 1880s, relied heavily on Haeckel's theory. Having received a doctorate in zoology from the University of Leipzig under Haeckel's colleague Rudolf Leuckart (1823--98), Oka attempted to magnify this aspect of the ideology by using his own internationally recognized researches into manifestations of such state organisms in the natural world---called "corms" by contemporary scientists---to illustrate that national mobilization could be achieved without bowing to superstitions that might undermine technological innovation. For Oka, the nation is a racial super-organism that must overcome internal divisions through the promotion of instinct-building Lamarckian moral habits---what Oka, gesturing to Confucianism, calls the human "way" of altruism---if it is to survive the inevitable war of the corms. This bio-political vision was not meant to undermine the family-state and supplant the emperor, but to convince educated Japanese that the nation literally was a family: an organic entity in the biological sense---one that could thrive as an imperial power only by emulating the "corms" found in nature.
机译:论文论述了德国受过训练的日本动物学家和进化论的推广者冈朝次郎(1868--1944)的早期政治思想。它着重介绍了冈田在日俄战争期间和之后的几年中在主要杂志上发表的一系列文章-这些著作后来被选为《进化与人类生活》(新卡到晋成),并在1911年再次出现和1921年的扩展版本。我认为,在这些论文中,奥卡基于著名的德国动物学家恩斯特·海克尔(Ernst Haeckel,1834-1919)的国家有机体理论,阐明了人类为生存而奋斗的愿景,并以此方式强调了人类生存的科学基础。 1900年代后期出现的新兴家庭国家意识形态。尽管将皇帝视为活着的神,但自1880年代以来,这个家庭国家的概念在很大程度上依赖于海克尔的理论。在获得Haeckel的同事Rudolf Leuckart的莱比锡大学动物学博士学位(1823--98年)之后,Oka试图通过利用他自己的国际认可的研究来扩大这种意识形态的方面,以研究自然界中这种状态生物的表现, -被当代科学家称为“球茎”-表明,在不屈服于可能破坏技术创新的迷信的情况下,可以实现全国动员。对于奥卡来说,这个国家是一个种族超级有机体,必须通过促进建立本能的拉马克主义道德习惯来克服内部分歧-奥卡以儒家思想为代表,称其为利他主义的人类“方式”-如果生存的球茎不可避免的战争。这种生物政治的远景并不是要破坏家族国家并取代皇帝,而是要说服受过教育的日本人,这个国家从字面上看是一个家庭:生物学意义上的有机实体-可以作为帝国力量而繁荣发展的实体仅通过模仿自然界中发现的“球茎”。


  • 作者

    Sullivan, Gregory Franzis.;

  • 作者单位

    Yale University.;

  • 授予单位 Yale University.;
  • 学科 History Asia Australia and Oceania.; History of Science.; Literature Asian.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2005
  • 页码 379 p.
  • 总页数 379
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 世界史;自然科学史;
  • 关键词


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