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The deceits of visual short-term memory: Behavior, computational modeling and electrophysiology.


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Visual memory is vulnerable to the influence of task-irrelevant information, and visual attention's importance for visual memory lies in attention's ability to selectively foreground task-relevant information, while filtering out what is not. This thesis comprises a set of experiments that explored different aspects of task-irrelevant information's influence on visual memory and its interaction with attention, using recognition and recall tests, as well as electrophysiology technique. In the first study, I investigated how a to-be-ignored task-irrelevant stimulus attribute affects recognition judgments. It is shown that attentional selectivity is imperfect, the failure of attention in memory allows the irrelevant stimulus attribute to infiltrate and undermine recognition accuracy and associated response times. Through a summed-similarity model of visual recognition, NEMo, I found that irrelevant information operates on the early stage of memory processing, but not at a later stage that supports decision making. In the second study, the exploration of visual memory's precision and its vulnerability to irrelevant information's influences is aided by a direct matching paradigm. I found that the recall of a remembered stimulus is attracted toward two distinct distorting factors. One is a task-irrelevant stimulus seen on the same trial, which we hypothesize to operate on early visual processing through perceptual averaging. The second is the prototypical stimulus with the average value of all previously seen stimuli, which is proposed to impact stored memory presentation. Finally, in the third study, I recorded subjects' EEG while they performed a task similar to the second study's. I found that the fluctuation of selective attention, reflected by the amplitude of alpha oscillations (8--14 Hz), is strongly predictive of the degree to which memory recall is distorted by the prototypical stimulus. It suggests that the influence of the prototypical stimulus is an adaptive and compensatory response to visual memory's imprecision. Taken together, these studies further our understandings to visual memory and provide a basis for future explorations.
机译:视觉记忆易受与任务无关的信息的影响,视觉注意力对视觉记忆的重要性在于注意力能够选择性滤除与任务有关的信息,同时过滤掉无关的信息。本文包括一组实验,这些实验使用识别和回忆测试以及电生理技术,探索与任务无关的信息对视觉记忆及其与注意力的相互作用的不同方面。在第一项研究中,我研究了与任务无关的刺激属性如何影响识别判断。结果表明,注意力选择性是不完善的,记忆中注意力的失败使无关的刺激属性渗透并破坏了识别的准确性和相关的响应时间。通过视觉识别的总和相似度模型NEMo,我发现无关的信息在内存处理的早期阶段起作用,而在支持决策的后期阶段则不起作用。在第二项研究中,直接匹配范例有助于视觉记忆的精确性及其对无关信息影响的脆弱性的探索。我发现召回记忆的刺激被吸引到两个明显的扭曲因素上。一种是在同一试验中看到的与任务无关的刺激,我们假设通过知觉平均对早期视觉处理起作用。第二个是原型刺激,具有所有先前看到的刺激的平均值,被提议影响存储记忆的表现。最后,在第三项研究中,我记录了受试者执行与第二项研究相似的任务时的脑电图。我发现,选择性注意的波动(由α振荡的幅度(8--14 Hz)反映)强烈预测了原型召唤会导致记忆记忆失真的程度。这表明原型刺激的影响是对视觉记忆的不精确性的适应性和补偿性反应。这些研究加在一起,加深了我们对视觉记忆的理解,并为以后的探索提供了基础。


  • 作者

    Huang, Jie.;

  • 作者单位

    Brandeis University.;

  • 授予单位 Brandeis University.;
  • 学科 Psychology Cognitive.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2010
  • 页码 198 p.
  • 总页数 198
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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