首页> 外文会议>World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics(SCI 2001) v.8: Human Information and Education Systems; 20010722-20010725; Orlando,FL; US >Knowledge Engineering and the Use of Multimedia in CAI: Effectiveness and Its Value Relative to the Development

Knowledge Engineering and the Use of Multimedia in CAI: Effectiveness and Its Value Relative to the Development


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Multimedia is an excellent technology for training students with disabilities. Because multimedia is interactive and synthesizes sound, images, and text, it supports new methods of communication in the learning environment Multimedia, applied to education, typically involves the use of computer assisted instruction (CAI), supported by interactive media, and is very helpful when incorporated in intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). The use of computers as a teaching tool allows sufficient and personal attention to the child using them, while also allowing instruction to proceed at the child's pace. Computer programs can provide immediate reinforcement to children, allowing them to see at once the results of their responses. The use of computer animation and color graphics may also aid in motivation and maintaining the attention of children. Although the computer cannot replace a teacher in the classroom, when used in conjunction with teachers, multimedia use in the classroom provides undeniable benefits for both teachers and students. The purpose of this research is to examine the degree of effectiveness of multimedia in training in comparison to traditional print-based training methods. The comparison was made by developing a course for finger spelling. The course content is the same in the print-based training methods as in the multimedia program; it is the method of delivery that is different. The results of learner testing are discussed. Another objective of this research is to investigate the value of multimedia training relative to its development cost.



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