首页> 外文会议>Water Environment Federation annual technical exhibition and conference;WEFTEC 2003 >ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, VIRGINIA-A CULTURE OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM





To change the existing environmental culture and practices of a local government, though a daunting task, is not impossible. Chesterfield County's Government Center comprises of various departments that are directly exposed to various environmental challenges. After being aware of the unfortunate fate of the neighboring City of Roanoke and Henry County due to the management's ignorance of the environmental issues and responsibilities, Chesterfield County's Administrator and top Managers got proactively involved in changing the culture and practices of the County employees. Key personnel from different departments were brought in to form Environmental Management Committee. This committee was tasked with the responsibilities of developing an Environmental Management Program for the County to ensure one hundred percent compliance with all the applicable environmental regulations and proactively address any future environmental issues through employee commitment and involvement. The committee members had twofold tasks ahead of them - the first was to immediately take corrective actions if any non-compliance issues were identified, and the second to develop an Environmental Management Program to ensure that the proper environmental protocols are followed on an on-going, efficient and responsible ways.In order to emphasize the top Management's Commitment, the County added another Strategic Goal to its existing seven Strategic goals - 'To be Responsible Protectors of the Environment'. The Objectives of this goal are:1. Objective # 1 - Assess and improve county processes and technologies to reduceadverse environmental impacts and to meet or exceed compliance with environmentalregulations;2. Objective #2- Educate and train employees in their environmental responsibilities; 3. Objective #3- Promote Partnership that have a positive effect on the environment; 4. Objective #4- Respond to environmental incidents at county properties and facilitiesquickly and effectively; 5. Objective # 5 - Monitor and improve consistent with legal, fiscal, organizationallimitations, and all aspects of county environment.The county has successfully completed various environmental remediation projects, such that it is not only one hundred percent compliant with all the existing regulations, but has achieved exemplary status by completing environmental projects that were voluntary and non-regulatory in nature. Environmental Management Program is also making accelerated progress, such that
机译:改变地方政府现有的环境文化和做法虽然艰巨,但并非不可能。切斯特菲尔德县政府中心由直接面对各种环境挑战的各个部门组成。在意识到邻近的罗阿诺克市和亨利县由于管理部门对环境问题和责任的无知而带来的不幸命运后,切斯特菲尔德县的行政长官和高级管理人员积极参与了改变县雇员的文化和习惯的活动。吸收了来自不同部门的关键人员组成了环境管理委员会。该委员会的任务是为县制定一项环境管理计划,以确保百分百遵守所有适用的环境法规,并通过员工的投入和参与积极解决未来的任何环境问题。委员会成员之前有两项任务:第一项是在发现任何违规问题时立即采取纠正措施;第二项是制定环境管理计划,以确保持续进行适当的环境规程为了强调最高管理层的承诺,该郡在其现有的七个战略目标中增加了另一个战略目标-“成为负责任的环境保护者”。该目标的目标是:1。目标1-评估和改进县级流程和技术,以减少不利的环境影响并达到或超过对环境法规的遵守; 2。目标#2-对员工进行环境责任教育和培训; 3.目标3:促进对环境产生积极影响的伙伴关系; 4.目标#4-快速有效地应对县城物业和设施的环境事件; 5.目标5-监控和改善法律,财政,组织局限性以及县域环境的各个方面。该县已成功完成了各种环境修复项目,不仅达到了所有现行法规的100%,但通过完成本质上是自愿和非监管的环境项目而获得了模范地位。环境管理计划也在不断进步,例如



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