
Robustness Theory: Holy Grail or Voodoo Science?


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Robust. Its dictionary meaning is simply “strong” or “vigorous,” but to some it means more,rndescribing a cutting-edge approach to infrastructure management or policy-making, a sort ofrnholy grail for modern times. To most of us, “robust” sounds like something we want our utilitiesrnto be – even if we’re not sure exactly what it means.rnDefinitions and theories vary, but the basic concept of robustness is that, in the face of anrnuncertain future, there is more value in achieving “good enough” performance with very highrnreliability than “optimizing” performance for a single calculated future that will not likely occur.rnFramed this way, robustness certainly sounds like a great idea. Indeed, many talented scientistsrnand practitioners have developed theories and methodologies for robustness. It behooves us asrnutility managers to understand robustness, its current value to us as managers, and its futurernimplications.rnA first reason why robustness is so appealing to us is that it seems to be how nature itself seemsrnto work. Many organic systems, from ant colonies to ground squirrels, seem to employ some ofrnthe basic tenets of robustness. Ant colonies continue to function even after suffering devastatingrnlosses. Squirrels, rather than pursuing a simple optimization goal such as “maximize caloricrnintake,” appear at times to follow robustness-centered rules that may maximize their chance ofrnsurvival even when things don’t go according to plan.rnA second reason why robustness is appealing is that it appears to address an ingravescent need,rnthat of coping with deep uncertainties such as those posed by climate change. Uncertainties ofrnthis scale prompt nearly everybody to ask themselves “what if” the future turns out differentlyrnthan predicted by a given model, and to desire solutions that work well for a wide range ofrnfutures even if not optimally for any specific future.rnA third reason for the appeal of robustness is its potential to solve a problem we’ve brought onrnourselves. The 1980s brought electronic computing power to the desktop. We suddenly had thernpower to “optimize” nearly everything, from the size of a pipe to the maintenance schedule for arntruck. With that power of optimization came a new risk, the risk that we optimize for a particularrnfuture that likely will not occur while leaving performance against other likely futures poor orrnunknown. In short, the risk is that the power of computing has sharpened our vision forrnindividual trees and potentially blinded us to seeing the forest.rnThis paper surveys the available tools for robustness in the context of utility managementrnchallenges. Theories discussed include Robust Decision Making theory, info-gap satisficing, andrngenetic algorithms. Applications discussed include climate change adaption.
机译:强大的。它的字典含义仅仅是“强大”或“充满活力”,但在某些意义上却意味着更多,它描述了基础架构管理或政策制定的前沿方法,这是现代的圣杯。对我们大多数人来说,“健壮”听起来像是我们希望我们的实用程序成为某种事物,即使我们不确定确切含义是什么。rn定义和理论各不相同,但是健壮性的基本概念是,面对不确定的未来,以非常高的可靠性实现“足够好”的性能比为单个计算出的未来实现“优化”性能具有更大的价值。以这种方式构架,稳健性听起来确实是个好主意。确实,许多才华横溢的科学家和从业人员已经开发了用于鲁棒性的理论和方法。我们应该让无知性管理者了解健壮性,健壮性对我们作为管理者的当前价值以及对未来的影响。健壮性如此吸引我们的第一个原因是,它似乎是自然本身如何起作用的。从蚁群到地松鼠,许多有机系统似乎都采用了一些健壮性的基本原则。即使遭受毁灭性破坏,蚂蚁殖民地仍继续发挥作用。松鼠似乎没有遵循简单的优化目标(例如“最大化卡路里摄入量”),有时会遵循以健壮性为中心的规则,即使在事情未按计划进行时,它们也可能最大化其生存的机会。健壮性具有吸引力的第二个原因是似乎解决了一个无用的需求,即应对诸如气候变化带来的深刻不确定性的需求。这种规模的不确定性促使几乎每个人问自己“未来”与给定模型所预测的结果是否不同,并希望即使在任何特定的未来都不是最优的,其解决方案也能在各种各样的未来中很好地发挥作用。健壮性的吸引力在于它有可能解决我们带来的麻烦。 1980年代将电子计算能力带到了台式机上。我们突然拥有了“优化”几乎所有功能的能力,从管道的尺寸到阿恩卡车的维护时间表。有了这种优化的力量,就带来了新的风险,即我们针对某个特定的期货进行优化的风险,这种风险可能不会发生,而对其他可能糟糕或未知的期货则保持良好的表现。简而言之,风险在于计算能力使我们对单个树木的视野更加清晰,并可能使我们看不到森林。这篇文章调查了在公用事业管理面临挑战的情况下可用的鲁棒性工具。讨论的理论包括鲁棒决策理论,信息差距满足和遗传算法。讨论的应用包括适应气候变化。



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