首页> 外文会议>The Urgency of Building Competitiveness to Attract Oil and Gas Investment in Indonesia >GAS DISTRIBUTION ENHANCEMENT IN KAJI-SEMOGA FIELDS, SOUTH SUMATRA, INDONESIA



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In the near future, production of natural gas will become the star performer for PT Medco E&P Indonesia. In all Medco's working areas gas production is on the increase and gas is being supplied to several users for different uses, such as PLTG (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas), LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) extraction plant, fertilizer plant, methanol plant, and possibly later an LNG plant if we achieve more than 1 TCF (trillion cubic feet) gas reserves. This is in line with the company's vision and mission to increase revenue and to maintain a good company image within the community.rnIn Kaji-Semoga, a Medco onshore oilfield in South Sumatera, nowadays about 60 mmscfd of gas is distributed daily. Gas is utilized in artificial lift (gas lift gas, up to 40 mmscfd), pressure maintenance (gas injection gas, up to 5 mmscfd), power generation (fuel gas for power plants, up to 7 mmscfd), and by consumers such as PLTG Talang Duku (up to 4 mmscfd) and Kaji LPG Extraction Plant (up to 4 mmscfd). Gas is separated from produced liquid at three stations: Kaji Station, Semoga Station, and Kaji Satellite.rnThe main components of the gas distribution system are compressors, control valves, measuring equipment, and pipelines. Gas is pressurized at compressor plants and then transferred using pipelines to each supply point. Control valves and measuring equipment are used to maintain and monitor the supply and demand situation based on a priority list: the most important priorities in Kaji-Semoga are fuel gas, gas lift gas, PLTG Talang Duku, Kaji LPG Extraction Plant, and gas injection gas.rnThe amount of produced and circulated gas is getting smaller by nature, but the requirement for gas isrnincreasing. Several construction projects associated with gas distribution and compressor operation have been carried out in Kaji-Semoga Fields since the middle of 2003, and are still on-going in the year to come. Based on the above requirements, challenges in gas management will become more complex and should be comprehensively taken into consideration when planning future operations.rnIn January 2004, 17.5 mmscfd, or more than 30% of produced gas, was flared in Kaji-Semoga Fields, even though some of the gas was already sold to PLTG Talang Duku (Figure 1). At the same time, the gas distribution system was often disturbed by a high occurrence of compressor downtime. Implementation of the company's no-flare policy (since 2003) and increasing demand of gas operation reliability has led to some modification projects to be carried out. The first modification was separation of a gas lift distribution system (originally centralized in the Kaji Field only) into two systems: a high pressure system to supply gas lift for the Semoga Field and a low pressure system to supply gas lift for the Kaji Field. Although separated, the two systems still back each other up.rnThe Kaji LPG Extraction Plant started to operate in the beginning of second quarter of 2004. This plant can take up to 20 mmscfd of rich gas and convert 5 mmscfd of it to 150 ton/day LPG. A side product of the LPG Extraction Plant is lean gas which is very suitable for fuel gas. The addition of the LPG Extraction Plant in the system has changed the gas distribution scenario a bit. Some of lean gas was transferred to internal power plants for fuel and the rest is sold to PLTG Talang Duku.
机译:在不久的将来,天然气生产将成为PT Medco E&P Indonesia的明星。在Medco的所有工作区域中,天然气的产量都在增加,并且向不同用途的多个用户提供天然气,例如PLTG(彭邦基Listrik Tenaga天然气),LPG(液化石油气)提取厂,化肥厂,甲醇厂,甚至可能如果我们实现了超过1 TCF(万亿立方英尺)的天然气储量,则可以使用LNG工厂。这符合公司的愿景和使命,即增加收入并在社区中维持良好的公司形象。在南苏门答腊的Medco陆上油田Kaji-Semoga中,如今每天分发约60毫米标准立方英尺的天然气。天然气用于人工举升(举升气,最大40 mmscfd),压力维持(注气,最大5 mmscfd),发电(发电厂的燃料气,最大7 mmscfd),以及诸如PLTG Talang Duku(最大4 mmscfd)和Kaji LPG提取厂(最大4 mmscfd)。气体从产生的液体中分离出来,在三个站分别为:Kaji站,Semoga站和KajiSatellite。rn气体分配系统的主要组件是压缩机,控制阀,测量设备和管道。气体在压缩机工厂中被加压,然后通过管道输送到每个供应点。控制阀和测量设备用于根据优先级列表来维护和监视供需状况:Kaji-Semoga中最重要的优先级是燃气,天然气举升气,PLTG Talang Duku,Kaji LPG提取厂和注气本质上,已产生和循环的气体量越来越少,但对气体的需求却在增加。自2003年中以来,在Kaji-Semoga油田开展了一些与气体分配和压缩机运行相关的建设项目,并且在来年仍在进行中。根据上述要求,在天然气管理方面的挑战将变得更加复杂,在计划未来的运营时应综合考虑。rn 2004年1月,在Kaji-Semoga气田燃烧了17.5 mmscfd(占产出气的30%以上),即使部分天然气已经出售给PLTG Talang Duku(图1)。同时,气体分配系统经常因压缩机停机时间的高发生而受到干扰。自2003年起实施公司的无火炬政策,以及对燃气运行可靠性的要求不断提高,导致一些改造项目得以实施。第一种修改是将气举分配系统(最初仅集中在卡治油田中)分为两个系统:为Semoga油田提供气举的高压系统和为卡吉油田提供气举的低压系统。尽管这两个系统是分开的,但两个系统仍然相互支持。rn喀山液化石油气提取厂于2004年第二季度初开始运行。该厂可吸收多达20毫米标准立方英尺的富气,并将其中的5毫米标准立方英尺的天然气转化为150吨/天LPG。液化石油气提取厂的副产品是贫气,非常适合用作燃料气。系统中增加了液化石油气提取设备,这改变了气体分配方案。一些贫气被转移到内部发电厂作为燃料,其余的则出售给PLTG Talang Duku。



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