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Conservation Relevance: Aligning Funding and the Public Trust Doctrine


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Making conservation relevant in the 21st century depends on how one defines the idea. Use thernword “conservation” in the company of farmers and they will likely think of cost-share, buffer strips, notill,rnand CRP. For people who love animals, it might mean rescue and protection from the many threatsrnimposed by human development and consumption—the kind of stuff featured often on shows like AnimalrnPlanet. Similarly, conservation can be confused with preservation for the millions who visit parks andrnother natural areas. Within the broader reaches of our urban, digital, self-involved society, conservationrnmay be equated with recycling or remembering to turn off the lights, if it is considered at all. Perhapsrneven more frustrating is the well-meaning but misguided segment of society who recycle their beveragerncontainers, buy “green” products, and write a check to the local wildlife rehabilitation center orrnenvironmental organization thinking they have contributed to wildlife conservation but have not. Thus,rnone of the largest challenges in our profession in achieving relevance is the need for our paradigm to bernflexible and adaptable enough to integrate a diversity of views about the scope and goals of conservationrnand to make sure everyone is invested personally and financially.



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