首页> 外文会议>TITANIUM 2009 - International Titanium Association 2009 conference proceedings >The Design and Application of Titanium Alloys to U.S. Army Platforms

The Design and Application of Titanium Alloys to U.S. Army Platforms


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Titanium alloys have long been used for reducing systemrnweight in airframe structure and jet engine components.rnThe high cost of titanium, however, has historicallyrnprevented their application to military ground vehicles.rnIn recent years, the cost of titanium has fallen relative tornthe cost of composite and ceramic armors and titanium isrnnow a valid option for some Army applications, whetherrnfor weight reduction or improved ballistic performance.rnThe distinct advantages of low density, high strength, arnlarge competitive industrial base, and well establishedrnforming and shaping techniques establishes titanium asrnan excellent material for many military applications. ThernU.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has investedrnsignificant research efforts in understanding the materialrnprocessing requirements for ground versus aerospacernapplications and this paper will provide an overview ofrnthat research. A major concurrent effort has beenrnamending existing military specifications to allow thernuse of lower cost, higher oxygen content titanium alloysrnthat meet specific ground applications. The paper willrnend with a review of some of the current applications ofrntitanium on US Army platforms and augments previousrnpresentations given in this forum.



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