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The 34th Aerospace spin-off in Construction Estimating-A Video or How Did the Successful low Bidder Get Low and make Money?




The 34th Aerospace spin-off estimating tool is a video-How Didthe SUccessful low bidder Get Low to Make Money? or construction estimating. COst engineering, and bidding strategy. SOme of the ogher spin-offs, as presented at the 33rd space congress in April 1996, are new exciting tools for estimating fiber optic able, fine tuningthe number of bidder ocncepts, the Kennedy space center cost index, six columes of joe brown's seminar workbookds, five vojumes of Aeospace Price Books, four Aerospace cost estimating seminars on "How to Use these Tools and Spin-Offs," three tools for estimatig the cost of remote controls pneumatic panel, and KSC Real projperty inventoy [40] of aerospace facilities with over 60 pages fo facilities that now shows the current ocst of the VAB at over
机译:第34个航空航天衍生产品估算工具是一个视频-成功的低价出价者如何赚钱赚钱?或建筑估算。成本工程和出价策略。 1996年4月在第33届太空大会上提出的其他衍生产品的SOme是令人兴奋的新工具,可用来估计光纤的能力,微调竞标者的接受数量,肯尼迪航天中心的成本指数,乔·布朗的六种研讨会工作手册,五个航空航天价目表,四个关于“如何使用这些工具和副产品的成本”研讨会,三个用于估计远程控制气动面板成本的工具以及KSC Real Property Inventoy [40]超过60页的设施,现在可以显示超过



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