首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 annual meeting >Connecting the Big Five Taxonomies: Understanding how Individual Traits Contribute to Team Adaptability under Workload Transitions

Connecting the Big Five Taxonomies: Understanding how Individual Traits Contribute to Team Adaptability under Workload Transitions




Dynamic and data-rich domains, like those found in the military, rely heavily on teamwork for their operations. Previous work has attempted to understand how the personality of individuals contributes to overall team performance, but specific links between individual traits and team dimensions are needed. This study aims to link the dimensions from the original Big Five Trait Taxonomy to the Big Five in teamwork. Specifically, the focus was identifying which dimensions in the Big Five Trait Taxonomy influenced the Big Five in teamwork’s core component of adaptability. Ten pairs of participants completed a simulated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle control task. The best and worst performing pairs were identified and further analyzed to assess how pairs enabled adaptability when workload transitioned. The findings showed the best performing pairs enabled team adaptability effectively and had high levels of extraversion, lower levels of diversity across all dimensions, and adopted collaborative strategies to complete all the tasks. These findings suggest operational standards, technology, and training programs should be developed to foster these personality traits and collaborative-base strategies.



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