首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 annual meeting >First Impressions, Team Satisfaction and Work-Related Flow: A Multilevel Analysis

First Impressions, Team Satisfaction and Work-Related Flow: A Multilevel Analysis




First impressions of fellow team members, as well as individual satisfaction with one’s team, are each relatedto work-related flow experiences but they are rarely studied in combination. To address this gap wecollected measures of all three in a laboratory study of dyadic teams (N=55). First impressions were assessedprior to the start of a management simulation task, and both team satisfaction and work-related flowwere assessed afterwards. Hierarchical linear modeling revealed that measures of team satisfaction at boththe individual and team levels were predictive of work-related flow experiences; an interaction between thediscrepancy in first impression ratings within each team and individual ratings of team satisfaction was alsofound. Findings suggest that discrepancies in first impressions interact with team satisfaction in ways thatmay negatively impact work-related flow experiences, which in turn has the potential to impair team formationand performance effectiveness of ad hoc teams.
机译:团队成员的第一印象以及对团队的个人满意度都与之相关 与工作相关的流程经验,但很少将它们结合在一起进行研究。为了弥补这一差距,我们 在二进队团队的实验室研究中收集了所有三个指标(N = 55)。对第一印象进行了评估 在开始管理模拟任务之前,以及团队满意度和与工作相关的流程 之后进行评估。分层线性建模揭示了团队满意度在两个方面的度量 个人和团队水平是与工作相关的流程经验的预测;之间的互动 每个团队的第一印象评分和团队满意度的个人评分也存在差异 成立。结果表明,第一印象中的差异与团队满意度之间的相互作用是 可能会对与工作相关的流程体验产生负面影响,进而有可能损害团队的形成 特设团队的绩效表现。



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