首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 annual meeting >Assessing Dynamic Value for Safety Gear During a Rock Climbing Task

Assessing Dynamic Value for Safety Gear During a Rock Climbing Task




Value is a component of the SEEV model of attention combined with measures of salience, effort, and expectancy to characterize areas of interest in a visual workspace. In the current project, an assessment of dynamic value was created by prompting rock climbers to assess their post-hoc priority for placing safety gear at various points during a climb when the risk of injury from a fall varied. Analyses determined that, for expert and non-expert rock climbers, gear placement priority rose as time since the most recent gear placement increased, after controlling for climbing speed. Prediction of the attentional value of a target via dynamic estimates may be applied in other highly dynamic environments.



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