首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 annual meeting >Development and usability of a novel holographic 3-dimensional user interface using hand-gesture control for a future vehicle application by older adults

Development and usability of a novel holographic 3-dimensional user interface using hand-gesture control for a future vehicle application by older adults




The Deep Orange program immerses automotive engineering students into the world of an OEM as part oftheir graduate education. While developing the program’s seventh vehicle concept, students explored newhuman machine interface concepts with the goal of having a clean, minimal interior design. One outcomeof their ideation process is a concept for a holographic companion that can act as a concierge for allfunctions of the vehicle. After creating a prototype of the holographic display using existing technologiesand developing a user interface controlled by hand gestures, a usability study was performed with olderadults. The results suggest the system was not intuitive. Participants demonstrated better performance withtasks using discrete hand motions in comparison to those that required continuous motions. The data werehelpful to understand the challenges of untrained users interacting with a new HMI system.
机译:深橙色计划将汽车工程学生浸入了一个OEM的世界 他们的研究生教育。在开发该计划的第七辆汽车概念时,学生探索了新的 人机界面概念与具有干净,最小的室内设计的目标。一个结果 他们的想象过程是一个全息伴侣的概念,可以充当所有人的礼宾 车辆的功能。使用现有技术创建全息显示器的原型后 并开发由手势控制的用户界面,使用年龄较大的可用性研究 成年人。结果表明系统不直观。参与者表现出更好的表现 与所需运动的那些相比,使用离散手动运动的任务相比。数据是 有助于了解未训练用户与新的HMI系统交互的挑战。



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