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The space Corot telescope has been developed by Thales Alenia Space Cannes (previously named Alcatel Alenia Space) and has been delivered to the French Space agency (CNES). The satellite has been successfully launched from Baikonour the 27th of December 2006. This telescope is a very precise and stable imaging instrument that is pointed towards fixed areas in the sky for periods of at least 5 months, in order to carry out two kinds of missions : (ⅰ) Stellar seismology, (ⅱ) Search for exoplanets (by transit detection). Corot is likely to be the first space instrument capable of detecting Earth like planets orbiting around other stars and providing accurate stellar data in relation with their internal constitution. The target stars will have visible magnitudes lower than 9 for the seismology mission, and lower than 13 for the detection of Earth-like planets. COROT is a low cost mission and has a polar circular orbit with an altitude around 800 Km (unfortunately not at L2 orbit). In order to comply with the above objectives, the instrument shall deliver a very stable signal from a stable source. More particularly, this stringent stability requirement implies : (ⅰ) a high level of straylight (coming from earth) rejection, (ⅱ) a high pointing stability, (ⅲ) a high level of performance for the thermal control subsystem in term of temperature and gradient stability associated with the use of hyper stable materials. On the other hand, this instrument is carried by a low size satellite of the PROTEUS family, allowing a faster and cheaper development. This paper focuses on the proposed opto mechanical design for the telescope, its baffling concept and its performance which are now demonstrated in flight.
机译:Corot太空望远镜是由Thales Alenia太空戛纳(以前称为Alcatel Alenia太空)开发的,并已交付法国航天局(CNES)。该卫星已于2006年12月27日从拜科努尔成功发射升空。这架望远镜是一种非常精确且稳定的成像仪器,可对准天空中的固定区域至少5个月,以执行两种任务:(ⅰ)恒星地震学,(ⅱ)搜索系外行星(通过运输探测)。 Corot可能是第一个能够探测像行星一样绕着其他恒星运行的地球并提供与其内部构造有关的准确恒星数据的太空仪器。对于地震任务,目标恒星的可见星等小于9,对于探测类似地球的行星,其目标小于13。 COROT是一种低成本的飞行任务,其极地圆形轨道的高度约为800公里(不幸的是不在L2轨道)。为了符合上述目标,仪器应从稳定的信号源发出非常稳定的信号。更具体地说,这种严格的稳定性要求意味着:(ⅰ)高水平的杂散光(来自地球)被拒,(ⅱ)高指向稳定性,(for)温度和温度方面热控制子系统的高性能梯度稳定性与使用超稳定材料有关。另一方面,该仪器由PROTEUS系列的小型卫星携带,因此开发速度更快且成本更低。本文着重于为望远镜提出的光机械设计,其令人费解的概念及其性能,这些在飞行中得到了证明。



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