
Private-Public Cycle: Testing Hirschman's Theory of Shifting Involvements with a Formal Model


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Why do societies oscillate, on a roughly twenty-year cycle, between modes of private acquisitiveness and public spiritedness? Albert O. Hirschman argues that disappointment is the main cause explaining why societies never stop shifting from an ideology promoting private interests to another philosophy which endorses public action and vice versa. The aims of this paper are to reconstruct Hirschman's reasoning using a System Dynamics approach and to build a simulation model reproducing the oscillations societies experiment between private and public interests. Our simulation results reproduce the behaviour implied by Hirschman, therefore showing evidence of the dynamic consistency of his argumentation. Furthermore, an example taken for a novel and empirical data, which represents the evolution of turn-out in the US, have been used to gain deeper support of our findings. Further research using this model is promising.
机译:为什么社会会在大约二十年的周期中在私人获取模式和公众热情模式之间振荡?阿尔伯特·赫希曼(Albert O. Hirschman)认为,失望是主要原因,解释了社会为什么从未停止从提倡私人利益的意识形态转向支持公众行动的另一种哲学,反之亦然。本文的目的是使用系统动力学方法重建赫希曼的推理,并建立一个模拟模型,再现私人和公共利益之间的振荡社会实验。我们的模拟结果重现了赫希曼所暗示的行为,因此显示了他论证动态一致性的证据。此外,还使用了一个以新颖的经验数据为代表的例子,该数据代表了美国投票率的演变情况,从而为我们的发现提供了更深层次的支持。使用该模型的进一步研究很有希望。



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